f-ley, tony, c'mon, that's crazy, can't do. tony, sweetheart, we're not a wholesale operation here, we're a legitimate bank. the more cash you give us the harder it is to rinse, y'know. the fact is we yan't even take anymore of your money less we raise the rates on you. tony, tony, we gotta. the irs is coming down heavy on south florida, y'know. that time magazine cover didn't help any. we gotta do it tony, tony -- it's no conspiracy, we're all doing it. you're not gonna find a better deal. you gonna fly it yourself, tony -- on a regular basis? once maybe. and then what? you gonna trust some monkey in a bahamian bank with twenty million of your hard-earned dollars? c'mon tony, don't be a schmuck -- who else can you trust? that's why you pay us what you do -- you trust us. stay with us, you're an old and well- liked customer. you're in good hands with us. .gentlemen, i gotta run. h ow 's married life? say hello to the princess see for me -- okay. she's beautiful. you. take care. going. tony watches, raging inside. he pulls a drawer it's the open and reaches for a private cocaine supply. first indication we have of this. as he snorts: