opening montage - documentary footage: 29 int.. ext. little havana restaurant - night - hours later we are looking through a cubbyhole at the diners. young cuban guys with chiquitas drift in with their fancy clothes, diamonds and -- the mark of status -- large bodyguards. they're out front with the flash, shaking hands with friends, kissing, talking loud, familiar with the waitresses. staring through the smeared window enrapt are tony and m--q, wiping the sweat off their faces with towels. #os?154 57 rev. 11. z. 82 121 int. safe house - night 12: tony ignores the doctor taping him, checking his watch. montage - passing time: 125 multi-screen images 12$ to lively, marching music. spin 15f #00?66 127 174 ext. guiterrez' street - new york - night f-74 a quiet east eighties street. two rich-looking male lovers stroll past with their dog. a moment of silence. tony moves into frame. behind him, the shadow moves towards a sedan parked along the curb, carrying an airline bag. be slips under the car. 208 omitted 2c