what the fuck you doing! what the fuck's he doing now! that sonufabitch. sit down! the un -- right in front of it. in the daylight. that's the way they want it. tony breaks open a fresh vial. what's he saying! you tell him stay inside thirty metres of the ca,r okay -- no more you just stay inside thirty metres. i tell you thirty metres okay! you understand, madre de dios, why this hop-head is driving! _ no! mr. sosa says we do it now. we do it. co madre de dios, my bomb! -- don't you fuckin' fall, my little baby! perspiration starting to break out on his forehead. you're losing them! there! that street, they go that street! thirty metres! thirty metres! go! go! okay, now. now. right here. easy. easy! the decoder. okay, okay, nice 'n' easy. at the corner. when he pulls up at the corner. his finger hovering around the second key of the decoder.