jack's a good lawyer. i taught him everything he knows. elvira, you look terrific. enjoy .yourselves. he ambles off. what can i do for you montana? tom! my partner. manny ray. manny, standing in the b.g., nods. -sheffield shifts his eyes briefly, back to tony who plops himself in a chair. did they also tell you how expensive i am? i see you been reading your american history montana, what've you done lately to earn a place in it? cash. on . start with a $100,000. the table. . you give me a check for a hundred grand plus three hundred in cash and i guarantee you walk on the conspiracy charge. but they're gonna come back at us on a tax evasion -- and they'll get it. five years, you'll be out in three, maybe less if i can make a deal. i'll delay the trial. a year and a half, two years, you won't start doing time till '85. tony. .the law has to prove 'beyond a reasonable doubt.' i'm an expert at raising that doubt but when you got a million three undeclared dollars staring into a videotape camera, honeybaby, it's hard to convince a jury you found it in a taxi cab. the point is made. now where's the money? tony nods to manny who hauls a briefcase up on sheffield's desk. tony abruptly walks out, a vial appearing in his hands as he steps out of the office. he sniffs. .