so this and my other factory 1 can &&a guarantee production of 200 kilos refined every month of the year. problem is i have no steady market. some months i can't get rid of fifty keys, other months i have to do 2 to 300 keys, it's crazy, hunh? nobody can run a business that way --- basically what i'm looking for is somebody to share the risks with me, somebody in the states who might guarantee me something like-.-say 150 kilos a month. yes, it would've been nice if he could have come. so he sent you? we'll talk at my house. shall we go. say lopez guarantees me 150 keys a month for a year, and he picks it up down here, i could sell it to him for as little as 7000 a kilo. you cannot do better than that. when we cut out.the coluxnbians we take risks -- on both sides. panama? risky? it costs me more. there i'd sell maybe 13.5 a key. what do you suggest is a fair? excuse me. interrupted, sosa looks over at his black aide who suddenly appears at the door, apparently with a message. sosa waves him in. the black aide y- the skull -- is a slim, tall imposing man with academic, 'horn-rimmed glasses and close-cropped hair on a huge and impressive skull. he combines the physical qualities of an animal with an intellectual. as he approaches, he glances down the table, his eyes falling where were we? something like that. it's all right. maybe your partner's right. maybe you should talk to frank. om?ir i don't think this is something okay. i want to do on an, but i can go back to miami and talk to frank personally. good. my chopper can take you to santa cruz now. i have a jet there that'11 have you in miami in five hours. you can be back here tomorrow. for lunch. speed of the plan. omar is taken aback by the omafi . . i yeah i guess so. leave your friend here. while you're gone maybe he can tell me how to run business. my why? maybe he'll move to miami too. gabriella, my rose -- how was the ride? (xl sosa changes his personality completely with her, dewy- eyed and loving. they peck each other's cheek lightly. 1'11 take care of it myself. (xl of course not. uh -- an associate of mine. from miami. tony montana. my fiance, gabriella montini. i like you tony. there's no lying in you. .unfortunately i don't feel the same way about the rest of your organization. i mean omar suarez. this garbage was recognized by my from several associate at lunch. in new york. he was an years ago. informer for the police. he put vito duval and the ramos brothers -- nello and gino -- away for life. my associate used to work up there. so how do i know you're not a 'chivato' too tony? i think you speak from the heart montana, but i say to myself this lopez -- your boss -- he has 'chivatos' like that working for him, his judg- ment stinks. so i think to myself, what other mistakes has this lopez guy made, how can i trust his organi- zation. hunh? you tell me tony. you speak with your eyes muchacho. i think -- you and i -- we can work this thing out, do business a long time together. just remember -- it's the only thing i ever tell you -- don't fuck me tony, don't ever try to fuck me. their eyes locked together. tony. tony. i'm glad you made it on such short notice. i appreciate it. how`s elvira? three more months. and you, when are you going to have another tony to take your place. i guess you'll have to work harder, tony. they laugh, nervously. sosa is a little more reserved with him than before -- in tune.with the other men at the meeting. tony, come, i want you to meet some friends of mine. he smoothly guides tony towards the group of men who rise. is pedro quinn, chairman of this andes sugar here. tony montana. general eduardo strasser, commander of the first army corps. tony montana. the man is in civilian clothes. ariel bleyer, from the ministry of the interior. tony montana. the cameras moving past sosa's black aide, the skull silent behind his sunglasses, to an american- type in a brook6 brothers suit who stands. . * charles goodson -- a friend of ours from washington. nicky, have albert0 meet us in the living room. the black aide goes. tony, come, please sit here. tony, i want to discuss something that concerns all of us here. we all know you have tax troubles in your country -- and you may have to do a little time. but we have some friends in washington who tell us these troubles can be taken care of . maybe you'll have to pay a big fine and some back interest, but there's no time. come i i'll show you. tony cautiously stands to follow him. i.a communist -- financed by moscow. he's scheduled next for 60 minutes. he's going on french, british, italian, japanese television. people everywhere are starting to listen to him. he's embarrassing, tony. that*s our problem. you've met albert0 before?. alberto, you know tony montana -- my partner from florida. so you see albert0 here is going to help fix our problem. alberto, you know, is an expert in the disposal business -- but he doesn't know his way around the states too well, he doesn't speak english, and he needs a little help. is that a problem, tony? tony looks around the faces, then: