make a nice driveway. shoot her. you argued with my man. shoot her. i'm sure you're right. that's somebody who knew what they were doing. that's somebody i needed. take it down, re-pour it, rebuild it, like she said. today is history. the young will ask with wonder about this day. today is history and you are a part of it. when, elsewhere, they were footing the blame for the black death, kazimierz the great, so called, told the jews they could come to cracow. they came. they trundled their belongings into this city, they settled, they took hold, they prospered. for six centuries, there has been a jewish cracow. by this weekend, those six centuries, they're a rumor. they never happened. today is history. we started without you. you know, they told me you were going to be trouble -- czurda and scherner. he looks great, though, doesn't he? i have to know -- where do you get a suit like that? what is that, silk? it's great. something wonderful's happened, do you know what it is? without planning it, we've reached that happy point in our careers where duty and financial opportunity meet. they're not gone, they're here. we're going to be making so much money, none of this is going to matter -- some of the boys went crazy, what're you going to do? you're right, it's bad business, but it's over with, it's done. occasionally, sure, okay, you got to make an example. but that's good business. scherner told me something else about you. that you know the meaning of the word gratitude. that it's not some vague thing with you like with some guys. you want to stay where you are. you got things going on the side, things are good, you don't want anybody telling you what to do -- i can understand all that. what you want is your own sub-camp. do you have any idea what's involved? the paperwork alone? forget you got to build it all, getting the fucking permits, that's enough to drive you crazy. then the engineers show up. they stand around and they argue about drainage -- i'm telling you, you'll want to shoot somebody, i've been through it, i know. happened to what's his name -- up in warsaw -- and he was bigger than you, oskar. happened to toebbens. almost. himmler goes up to warsaw, tells the armament guys, "get the fucking jews out of toebbens' factory and put toebbens in the army," and -- "and sent him to the front." i mean, the front. it's true. never happen in cracow, though, we all love you too much. he's important to my business. i want him. come on, let's go inside, let's have a good time. what are you making? i got some workers coming in tomorrow. where the hell they from again? yugoslavia. i got to make room. make me a hinge. another. that's very good. what i don't understand, though, is -- you've been working since what, about six this morning? yet such a small pile of hinges? christ -- god damn it -- nobody knows who stole the chicken. a man walks around with a chicken, nobody notices this. still nobody knows. there we go. it was you? you committed this crime? you know who, though. oh, that's all right. what are you using? soap? not lye? go ahead, go on, leave. i pardon you. my mechanic. i tried to call you, i'm running a little late, this is taking longer than i thought. have a drink. i got a shipment of hungarians coming in, i got to make room for them. it's always something. they're complaining now? they don't know what complaining is. bring the fire trucks! this is really cruel, oskar, you're giving them hope. you shouldn't do that, that's cruel. hujar! oh, my god. he likes women. he likes good-looking women. he sees a good-looking woman, he doesn't think. this guy has so many women. they love him. he's married, he's got all these women. all right, she was jewish, he shouldn't have done it. but you didn't see this girl. i saw this girl. this girl was very good-looking. they cast a spell on you, you know, the jews. you work closely with them like i do, you see this. they have this power, it's like a virus. some of my men are infected with this virus. they should be pitied, not punished. they should receive treatment, because this is as real as typhus. i see this all the time. it's a matter of money? we can discuss that. that'd be all right with me. a "bribe?" no, no, please come on. a gratuity. sir. god forbid you ever get a real taste for jewish skirt. there's no future in it. no future. they don't have a future. and that's not just good old- fashioned jew-hating talk. it's policy now. enough -- jesus -- god -- can you believe this? i'm trying to live my life, they come up with this? i got to find every body buried up here? and burn it? they're taking mine. when i said they didn't have a future i didn't mean tomorrow. auschwitz. i don't know. soon. this is good. i'm out of business and he's catching tadpoles with his son. you want these people. what are you, moses? what is this? where's the money in this? what's the scam? oh, this is "good business" in your opinion. you've got to move them, the equipment, everything to czechoslovakia -- it doesn't make any sense. you're not telling me something. yeah, sure. you're probably scamming me somehow. if i'm making a hundred, you got to be making three. if you admit to making three, then it's four, actually. but how? you did, but you didn't. yeah, all right, don't tell me, i'll go along with it, it's just irritating to me i can't figure it out. what's one worth to you? that's the question. a virus. thank you. where are the guards?