have you checked the. take the neighborhood. we don't know if it's random. we haven't been able to connect the victims. we know that, son. we're aware of that. look, son. i know you've lived through this, but we got it under control. why don't you have some coffee? we were hoping you could help with the killer's profile. jesus. who was the next victim in woodsboro? find me every variation of himbry and what was the other name. both on campus and the surrounding community. i want names asap. she's completely insulated. i've got my top men on her. if he calls again - find help. don't engage him in conversation. i'm gonna put a man on you - to cover you. thanks, dewey, but i was thinking i'd pull jesse off. 37 usages of himbry located in the registar's office. 9 tatum's, 47 riley's. and that's just on campus. it's hopeless. they've broken their pattern. broad daylight, a crowded movie theatre. this is too much fun for one person. on national television. maybe you don't work alone. and the gun? no, we got pressure from california state. the man practically has clemency. we can't run the risk of falsely accusing him. he has to be standing over the victim with knife in hand before we make a move. night's coming. i think its time to beef up security on the prescott girl. we're going to bring her in. hide her out for a coupla days. and we're issuing a campus lock-in this evening. no one is allowed out after dark.