hello, sidney. this was a mistake. i shouldn't be here. can we talk? look, yesterday wasn't my idea. that was all gale and dollar signs and ratings. you could start with an apology. you wrote me a letter. very cordial. very appropriate. i wish it was just a year. i lost everything because of you. i have nothing now. look at me, this is what i've become. i just thought if i saw you face to face, maybe it would help. it helped me realize one thing. you're a self-obsessed little cunt like your mother. what better alibi could i have? i was here in custody. yeah, that's it. there was no attack, we were talking. very heatedly. miss prescott and i have a very complicated past. that's no crime. i have a permit. it's registered. i have a legal right to carry it. gentlemen, your growing hysteria is not reason enough to hold me here. i've been down this road before. and unless you're going to charge me with a crime i'd like to walk outta here. i have an interview at 6:00. you know the story, gale. man falsely accused, sent to prison, proved innocent, released back into the real world and never trusted again. want the exclusive? now, gale, you were so instrumental in my freedom. you're not having character doubts now, are you? no, gale, i don't have any rights. you made sure of that. you've done nothing but get rich off of me. how many books have you sold, gale? you think i don't understand points and royalties and ancilliary rights? gale, i don't know what i'm doing from one moment to the next. i'm just taking it as it comes. quick, untie me. sid, c'mon. please, sidney, he's going to kill us. please, sidney. you guys are fucked. no. not again. yeah. it's perfect, sidney. no one will ever suspect me. i have proof. i'm the victim. i get my revenge and make some fast cash. not until you're dead.