job hazard. debbie salt, stringer - newsweek. answer a few questions? what are you doing here? i thought you had retired from field reporting? and much richer as a result. i took your vulture seminar seminar at berkeley last year. hi, gale, any leads? where is sidney's father? and are the police sure about that? already did. he's the perfect suspect, don't you think? parents are always responsible. it all starts in the home. standing, lips pursed. hello, gale, we've been waiting for you. don't you know that by now? it's about family. it all starts at home. it starts with the father. and the mother. i couldn't believe you didn't recognize me. you even interviewed me for your book. where should we start? your mother ruined my marriage by sleeping with my husband. you ruined my family by killing my son. gale aired it to the world. should i go on. isn't that enough? where do you think he got it? mental illness is heriditary. who do you think incouraged him to kill your mother? he was a smart kid but children need parental guidance. and i couldn't have done it without you two. now who won the coin toss? nice kids but a little out there. finish what my son started. enter cotton weary. think about it. an innocent man wrongly accused. spends time in prison where he justs sits with his righteous anger, waiting, planning his revenge. his life so incomprehensively ruined he's forced to take revenge on the people responsible. it's perfect. sorry, cotton. i guess you were just meant to be a killer. who would you like to shoot first, cotton?