empire strikes back. smarter story. improved effects. it's more than that. horror films are only as good as their villains. how can freddie and jason possibly be scary after they've been diluted through five or six sequels. how are you? you weren't in class. i called as soon as i heard. i'm sorry, baby. what can i do'? i can do that. and i can also do this. but what are they doing? he's talking but he's not saying anything. sid, you don't have to. how do you put up with this greek shit? i'm sorry honey. i got behind. about what? lemme take you home. sid? sid? two. and watch her til 8:00 - i've got to edit. i think it's out of your control. let us decide that. it's under control. my documentary is due on tuesday. she wouldn't let me. where's sid? you weren't supposed to leave her alone. what guy? how do you know so much about her? should we be worried about this guy? isn't it kinda weird he just showed up and now people are dying? aren't most serial killers seemingly harmless? i think he's doing dolly. definitely whitney. i think so. i had the four o'clock shift. you weren't there. you had us worried. is everything okay? i don't really know what happened in woodsboro, sid. but i know you don't trust me. then i'll make this easy for you. i like you. i'm crazy about you, sid. but i'm gonna stay away. until you say otherwise. thanks, ladies. not one bit. she dumped me. yeah. he smiles at her. smile for the camera. go on, untie him. that's quick. you must be dealing with some serious trust issues right about now. sidney, you can't keep your back to the audience like that. could you cheat a little forward for me? you're really stumped, aren't you? you know there's two killers but you don't know who they are. i'm a given. the boyfriend. way obvious. but now you're torn. everyone else appears to be dead. except for cotton. hmmm? hmmm? need some help, honey. you should really see your face right now, sid. it's doing some freaky shit. yeah, how can we help? do you have any questions regarding the sequel of your life? good question. you took the bait. i really don't like that comparison, honey. i find his work overwrought. nope. you had your chance. we met on the internet. i read her postings on the horror movie chat boards and fell hopelessly. hook, line. you'd me amazed at how many of us there are out there. it's a whole world, sid. you're really popular amongst the demented. until now. poor cotton, could life be a little more cruel? the way i see it. we'll be arrested. go to prison. cash in on the home footage. secure a book deal. if all goes as planned, our trial should coincide with the release of stab ii. we're hoping for the death penalty. i have this whole dead man walking swan song exit planned. hope you're ready, sid. we got one last surprise for you. yeah, we really had our work cut out for us. it really is the curse of the sequel. the billy. stu thing's been done. and we didn't want to do that, sid. we wanted to give you your money's worth. or it found us. just for you, sid. oh yeah. we figure the one of us that actually kills you will get a little more press. it's been an ongoing discussion. heads or tails? shit! you win. yeah, we're trying to send a message to hollywood. i'm really getting tired of all the happy endings. it's just not reality. in the real world the good guys die, the innocent are punished, and the murderers inherit the earth. everything's taken on a hyper- reality, hasn't it? we had to have financing. yeah, she's been great, sid. we never would have been able to it without her. what are you.