her roommate and friend. an attractive young black woman. twenty at most. brazen. fun. full of life. she hands the phone to sidney. knock yourself out. time to change numbers again? he sure gives a lot of interviews for someone who wants to be left alone. get your ass in gear. you're late. don't forget we've got rush at the deltas tonight. don't wear anything you don't want trashed. sid? sid? no way. aliens rocked. "stay away from her - you bitch." i liked jedi. with the furry things. i got. i got it. friday the 13th, do you think they'll cancel hell week? i have rehearsal. yes, sister lois. very much so. thank you for asking. you bitch. okay, you're sure about skipping calculas? what about rehearsal? i'll cover you through rehearsal. derek when do you get outta docu- drama? so you'll relieve me at 2:30. shut up. mickey, you and i can take her late evening. too bad. that was good. who is that guy? no, girletta, i don't leave your side. damned if i know. she ditched me. i didn't say she was alone. that guy - from her home town showed up. they went off together. she's got guards with her. randy somebody. he tried to kill her first. he seemed harmless. that's you, honey. what? don't do this. you're going to get it. you know what happens. we're missing the sig ep party. no, no, i hadn't planned on going, it's just mickey will be pissed. it's okay to break, girl. you shatter if you have to. can i come with her? i knew it. shit! i gotta get over there. i'm the only one who can cut him down. be safe, girl. i gotta have it, dewey. seeya, dewey. strung up, her body hanging lifeless. sid screams, turning, running to the other side of the stage when a third wall comes flying in, creating the three walled set of deathtrap. paaaaiiin. yah, such pain. the story of your life, sid. i got it. yeah, you look quizzical yet pensive. ever see natural born killers? well, derek and i have this whole mickey. mallory-woody harrelson. juliette lewis thing going on. he hates oliver stone. c'mon, sid, don't fade on us. we've been planning this baby for a year. humor us. he sent me the cutest e-mail. we have our own website now. we dedicated a whole page to you. you're the one who got away. actually cotton, and i think critics would agree, it's the other way around. of course not. who wants to? what's the point if we don't get caught? where's the glamour in that? a verdict and premiere all on the same day. i love it. and now, drum roll please. a twist ending if you will. so we had to be different but yet the same because if you venture to far away from your orginal story you completely alienate the audience. so we found a compromise. we have a surprise guest star waiting in the wings. wait a sec, derek. we forgot to flip. tails. it's about time she showed up. not this time. oh, sid, you're sounding desparate. i guess fearing death makes one anxious. told you we had a guest star. didn't see that coming, did you? tuition's expensive. i did.