bullshit generalization. many sequels have surpassed their original. aliens far better than the original. lucas and his romper room stage. you're getting nailed - you're not getting out of it. i have to watch rehearsal. come on, guys. uncool. hey, it's cool. hallie's into it, i'm into hallie. i don't want you to choke or anything but you're trailing. you need to pick the pace up. i counted four. sig ep's gotta band, tonight. what's your subject? not with primetime live and 20. 20 coming at her. i'd save my shit too. i've been waiting for you, baby. her old boyfriend? watch out, derek. is sid in therapy? i could use some therapy. easy black boy. i got a surprise for you. "if i should stay. i would only be in your way. so i'll go. and yet, i know, i'll think of you each step of the way. "and iiiiiiiiiyeiiiii will always love you oooooowuoooooooo will always love you." "and i hope life treats you kind and i hope you have all you dreamed of offffff. i wish you joyyy." but i love you. and i want the whole world to know it. are they aware of your not so positive portrayal of greek life? where's sid? no way. you freakin? who stands buck naked, tied. chained to a tree in the back yard. the yard is crowded with frat boys and sorority girls who delight in torching him. mounds of syrup, eggs, and other wet and slimy food is plunged upon him. hallie. no, i said hallie. come on, hallie, baby. sid? jesus, where's hallie? i've been here all night. what are you talking about? shit! you've got to cut me down, sid. where you going? do it again. what was that? sidneywatchout! run, sid.