he knows you're alone. mgn. ua. 1980. tom hanks' first film. i'm there, man. no worries. i got ya covered. i'm so there. that's why i'm here - because i'm there. can you say backfire? yeah, i got it. i'm sorry, sid, please. i never should have gone along with gale. i know i'm stupid. i wish i had some good reason to give you but i'm just stupid. please, sid, don't be mad at me. well, yeah. she gave me a job. freelance. it got me outta woodsboro. i'm sorry about cotton and yesterday. it was a bad idea. i knew it was a bad idea but it seemed like a quasi harmless bad idea. ah, shit, sid, i'm fucked up. you okay, sid? you okay? if he's innocent he'll have an alibi. i'll relay it. you sure you don't wanna go home? i gotta coupla of those buttons myself. anytime. sorry it sucked. it just had that been there done that feeling. what'd i miss? hello? she's not here right now. so. what's your favorite scary movie? no response. silence. what do you care? let 'em have their fun. so, what's up? showgirls. absolutely frightening. what's yours? wait, let me guess. the house on sorority row? final exam. graduation day? the dorm that dripped blood? splatter university? am i close? so what's your deal? can we talk openly for a second? how does one become a serial killer? huh? are you psychopathic or merely psychotic? and what is the distinguishing feature'? were you slapped around as a child? is it hereditary? did your mom take test drugs? you know, have you tried getting laid? it's done wonders for my homicidal tendencies. gee, let me think. "do you want to. " is that the best you can do? some tired hand me down rehash? hey, pal, no one's gonna write a book about you. no movie rights. nothing. i've been through this before and much better i might add. and if you're such a brilliant smart killer - why copycat? why not be original? where's the innovation? let's pioneer some new ground. make a statement. go down in history. now you'll always be the woodsboro copycat killer. that's lame. it's like a bad sequel. and why woodsboro? what about manson, bundy, son of sam? why imitate two high school loser- ass dickheads - 1 knew the guys. stu was a wussy ass wet rag and billy - jesus - what a rat-looking homo-repressed, mama's boy.