i got it. hello? hello? yes? who is this? cory gillis. 442-8730. hot flash, cory - prank phone calls are a criminal offense prosecuted under penal code 653m. enjoy the movie. nah. i think it'll die off. it's opening weekend. let's see how it goes. i can't believe i let you talk me into going greek. pumps. nice handbag. whaddya think? what murders? what's going on? what's going on, dewey? three hundred people watched? nobody did anything? oh my god. how could it happen? it's a copycat killer i knew this would happen. that fucking movie. yeah, right. no. i will not crawl under a rock. this is a fucked-up world and people kill people all the time. i'll just get used to it. you go, it's all stairs, i can take it from here. dewey, i'm completely equipped with mace, alarm whistle, keyring, knife, a degree in defensive combat. no. this is nothing, dewey. i'll be okay. go back to work and let me get back to my quasi pseudo-happy existence. i skipped. too many "that's her" looks. don't ask what you can do. no coddling. life rolls on status quo. no pda. this has nothing to do with me, joel. there's an estimated 270 serial killers currently active in the us at any given time. i can't control that. who's hungry? you're not allowed to ask that. thanks, joel. it's okay. i can peddle toilet paper. no special treatment. i can do this. c'mon hallie. hello, gale. i'm okay. people magazine won't stop calling but other than that. yeah, well. you are the definition of mixed emotions. i really should hate you. i see your movie's getting good reviews. it's hell week. i'm pledging the deltas. my morn was a delta. randy? what are you doing here? cotton. what are you doing? you bitch! where have you been'? you missed my shining moment. i won the macaroni sundae binge. any news? the forbidden subject. it's starting all over again. i'll get my jacket. hello? who are you? what do you want? then come and get me. derek. he's in the house. help. me. please, i have the perfect excuse. gotta. guys, guys, i'm sorry but, no way. this is exactly what i don't want. but. my screwed up life shouldn't have to bleed onto my friends. what about your film? isn't it due next week? have you even started it? "pain, yah, such pain. pain." shit. did i? yeah, right. it's okay. look, hallie, i'll meet you outside. i've got my entourage. take a break. please. what do you want? do you work for her now? me, too. randy. me too. wanna get outta here? yeah. cotton. i don't think that's a good idea. what do you want from me, cotton? i did that. how? what could i say that would make a difference? i took away a year of your life - how do i apologize for that? cotton, there isn't one day, one hour, one minute when i'm not reminded of what i've done. i have not had one second of reprieve and no therapy or religion or spiritual plane can ever erase what i feel in every vein of my being. and i wish i had in me what you need to hear but i don't think the words exist. did it? what? i don't know. i don't think cotton did it. it's too predictable. i guess gale's going to be pissed she missed her exclusive. i have this button i press. see? it insulates me. thanks for the movie, randy. no, it's not. it's not you, derek. i don't trust myself. i tend to make big selection errors when it comes to men. i'm sorry, derek. excuse me? did your computer just freeze? i'm not signed on. he's here. he's in the room right now. no, hallie, not tonight. parties and mass murderers don't go together. trust me. someone else has been killed. i'm fine. i wish people would stop treating me like glass. i'm not gonna break. i'd really just like to be alone. dewey, there's no such place. no, hallie, i'm not gonna take you down too. i'll be alright. but who would operate your camera? he's cool, remy. it's not a good idea, hallie. whatever. where are you taking me? i feel like eddie murphy. somebodypleaseopenupsomebody! oh god, help me. we have to call the police. do you have keys? i need to get inside. shit! mickey? mickey? oh god, no, mickey. listen to me. we've got to get help. the killer's here. he's after me. i'll be right back. watch out. don't panic. watch out. hey. hallie? hello? hallie? no. this is a set up. why? you're not going to get away with this. gale! okay, look, you guys - i applaud your methodical expertise but i have a question. what's going to happen after i die? i thought the heroine is supposed to live. but nobody wants to see that. it'll never go. they'll rewrite you. you don't want that. you fucking freaked out movie nut psychos. mrs. loomis? oh my god. why mrs. loomis? you'll never get away with this. nooo! please, cotton, don't do this. it's over, cotton.