i'm sorry miss weathers. allow me to introduce myself, mark kincaid, l.a.p.d. are you familiar with the actor ben damon, or the actress christine perkins? both of them were found brutally murdered this morning under the hollywood sign. autopsy reports having come back to me yet but the bodies looked like something out one of the stab films. i wish that was all miss weathers, but there's more. the killer left a note. there's more. i've tried to get in touch with sidney prescott, but she's keeping herself very well hidden. you're my one and only hope in finding her. her life may be in grave danger. and who would that be? mr. rielly? my name is mark kincaid. i'm with the l.a.p.d. are you aware of last night's events? mr. rielly, this was found alongside the bodies of ben and his girlfriend. that's fine mr. rielly, but if anyone else should die, i'm going to have to get a warrant. i'm going to have a little chat with the producers. don't wander off. i may need you. well, i'd hate to see the production shut down. i myself am a big stab fan. i am kind of dedicated to my job. although i do enjoy taking acting classes on my weekends. i grew up around these studios anyway. i know my way around. my uncle was a screenwriter for paramount. no, mr. milton, miss weathers is with me. i go to the police station and do my job, and you go back to being gale weathers. look, miss weathers, if there's a problem, give me a call. here's my card. i'm always there. that's stab 3, miss weathers. it looks like we're going to be getting a warrant to speak with miss prescott anyway. yes well we have a suspect, so don't get that worried. i'm not at liberty to tell you that miss weathers. you're no longer working with the l.a.p.d. i don't even know why you're standing in here right now. by all means i should have you thrown out. in my fifteen years as a homicide detective i've never met a single soul as pushy and brazen as you are miss weathers. deal, but i'm still detective kincaid,ok? no, cool it wallace. she's working with me. mr. bridger, you didn't tell us you spoke with sarah darling before she died. roommate says she knows your voice, mr. bridger. sarah darling said you did. well i doubt they were stabbed to death and i strongly doubt the killer of them left messages on the scene for the police to find. whoever it is, now is taking credit for maureen prescott's murder. yeah, but, if i'm not mistaken, you said in your book that sidney got it wrong before. she accused cotton weary of murdering her mother, and he was sent away for it! maybe there is a third killer. sidney might know something that is for me to decide. i need to talk to her mr. riley, she is a key element in this case. i have a press conference in an hour, and i need to explain why there are four dead celebrities. ben damon. christine perkins. sarah darling. tom prinze. that's four, last time i learned how to count. police are still searching through the debris. could be days before we find her . . . that is, if she's even there. actually, there was more this time. this time, we found a picture too. before you jump to conclusions, the man in the picture, cotton weary, is out of the country on business. his alibi checks out. seems he's got a tv show in australia, 100% cotton. it's supposedly the biggest thing down under since yahoo serious, but that's besides the point. who knows more about maureen prescott than her own daughter? do you wanna have this conversation with a polygraph? when it's a threat, you'll know it. wrong, this issue is sidney prescott! and either mr. riley is going to obstruct justice or is going to put me in touch with her. so, where is she? what rielly? nice to finally meet you, sidney. what? when? he could've monitored the calls on a scanner. did you call her from the set? hey, i'm the cop here. you're in my office, riley. the killer leaves a newspaper clipping at each murder, sidney. recently he's also left a photo of your mother. are you sure? jesus christ sidney, what happened? i got a call on my cell from home. they told me that someone was attacked. sid, get in my car. you're coming back to the station with me where it's safe. you mean like, movie trilogies? call me mark, would you? cause i'm gonna keep calling you sidney. all i know about movie trilogies is in the third one, all bets are off. no, they tend to put me on the ones that deal with the business. i grew up here, and i know my way around the studios. to me hollywood is about death. i'm a homicide detective, remember? when you see what i see day in and day out, the violence that people do to each other, you get haunted. i think you know about that. i know what it's like to see ghosts that don't go away. to be watching a scary movie in your head, whether you want to or not, watching it alone. can't arrest ghosts. but the best way to stop being haunted is to be with people. you're here, you're not hiding, you've done the right thing, miss prescott. what did you know about your mother? here's the deal, i'm off to search the soundstage. that's good news. because, that means that we're dealing with an ordinary, flesh and blood killer. and i know how to handle guys like that. catch him, or kill him. my life. jesus gale what happened? alright, calm down. i'm going to radio in for backup right now.