mark, bridger's in custody. we traced his phone records. he's the last person to speak to sarah darling before she died. or at least call her home. listen, diane sawyer, this here is classified information. why don't you go investigate the bad meat at the a.p. this is police work, not pulitzer material. well then. looks like i'll go dust for finger prints with barbara walters. the guard said she was there for a meeting with you. we talked to her roommate, too. says you called sarah and told her to come down to the studio. roommate answered the phone, says it was you. hey, look at it this way, if anything this'll be something interesting to put on the director's commentary for when the film hits dvd. what's your problem? last night you were almost charcoal. you gonna help us or what? sure you don't need a police escort? that's what we're here for. wait a second? killers? there's two of them now? aw shit! yeah this is wallace. we got a problem down here on the sunrise studios lot. no not another one. at least not yet. yeah we've had an attack. do you need medical assistance? no. oh really. alright, see you in a minute. well i got some good news in a way. roman bridger didn't make those calls to sarah darling. police let him go. here's the bad news: the cellular was cloned, it's untraceable. we now have no suspects. the head of the studio? i'm waiting for back-up. i don't carry bullets in my gun unless i know i'm gonna use em. jesus christ what happened? i leave for two seconds to take my kid to the doctor, i come back and it's the fucking wild bunch. i guess so.