no, what? that's hollywood tom. one day you're making movies in the hills, the next day you're posing for the coroner downtown on a slab. yeah. a real tragedy. what so you can just exploit her again with another book? sid doesn't need you gale. i promised sid i'd keep her in seclusion. i promised her nobody would ever find her. if you don't mind detective, i'd like to approach her with this on my own and see what she'd like to do about it. understood. if you'll excuse me detective. gale. they found another note? you mean our past as in me and sid. this has nothing to do with you gale. do you really mean it this time gale? why would the police come to you? what about me? so it's off to london for a week? new york for a month? l.a forever? what's wrong with just being gale weathers? i liked her! you used to say that was our strength. brace yourself, gale, all of this is actually not about you. off the record. two months ago, the woodsboro police got a call from a woman who said she was with 'stab 3'. she wanted to see the file on sid, for research. the boys said no. she wouldn't give her name. a month later, the station gets broken into, the file room ransacked. i already removed it. i think someone on the film was trying to find sid, and that's the only reason i came here. to make do a little private investigating of my own and make sure no one here was planning anything. what part of 'off the record' don't you understand? i've got my suspicions but still, nothing you say can ever make me take my eyes off one person. jennifer needs me. i'm on duty. stop following me. you're not a detective. gale, your engine's still running. what about sidney? ssh. maybe it's tom or angelina. i'll get it. don't worry. i'm prepared for anything. it's gale. she farts when she gets nervous. alright don't panic! just a fuse. hurry! everyone out the back way! now! answer it! gale he's dead. come on. let's get out of here. gale behind you! oh shit! run! i told you, i don't know where sidney is. and even if there was a third killer, sidney doesn't know about it. what about angelina tyler? she was there too. what does this have to do with sid? well sid's dad couldn't help you and he was married to maureen. is that a threat, detective? is that a threat? sid it's me, this is the sixth time i've called. please pick up, i wanna make sure you're okay. sid! what are you doing here? i told you to stay hidden! it's not safe for you up here. what? follow me. detective kincaid? there's someone here who wants to help. sid, this is detective kincaid. the killer called her. sidney, do you have any idea how he could've gotten your number? no. oh. yeah, i guess i do. just jennifer. and you. i was afraid they were bait, something to, ya know, trick you out of hiding. alright sid, over there is the stab 3 production offices. that's where sarah darling was murdered last night. karen colcheck. from woodsboro. a trilogy? do you want us to come with you? no. do you want me to come with you sid? i mean, remember what randy said? don't worry, i've got a permit for it. what? nevermind, what'd you two find? wallace, shouldn't you be investigating the bathroom? and what made you think it was sidney? so you knew sidney prescott's mother. no point, i'm just gonna give detective kincaid a call. but you know who she was. ssh ladies. hold on gale, i'm a pro at this. let's get this drawer open. if it's locked, there must be something inside he's trying to hide. who is it? huh? gale run! don't come here sidney! help me sid! the killer's got me! sid i can see you! i'm out back. tied up. hurry sid! the killer's looking for you! quick untie me! good work sid. sidney? where's gale? sid i want you to stay here! i'll be right back! i'm not gonna let them get gale! hold it right there you fucker! oh shit! don't worry sid i'd never leave you like that. watch out sid. randy said the killer's always superhuman. gale, i know this is a bad time and all but what if we try it out again. the whole relationship thing.