dewey! you! how can i ever get any fame playing you! god damn you gale weathers! don't you see? the killer is choosing his victims as they die in the script! ben damon's character was the first one to get offed. so was his girlfriend - but she wasn't cast yet so his real girlfriend was killed - then sarah darling's candy, and now me! i know right. it was kinda weak. that's cause will kennison only wrote a rough treatment of it. the script was written by some new guy. he wrote arlington street. shit! where the hell are tom and angelina? what about her? what if it's the killer? do you smell something? oh shit it's my cell! hello? it's him! it's the killer! what's your favorite scary movie gale? god damn it you two! run! hurry! he's dead! die mother fucker! die! die! die! geez. being gale weathers. what the hell are you doing? here's how i see it. i've got no house, no movie, no gun, and i'm being stalked. because someone wants to kill me? no, because someone wants to kill you. so now, starting now, i go where you go. that way, if someone wants to kill me, i'll be with you, and since they really want to kill you, they won't kill me, they'll kill you. make sense? you know in the movies, i play you as being much smarter. that's funny. need to get in that building? there a story in that building? gale weathers would find a way. basements creep me out. look who's talking moneybags. you got more homes than i do. bitch. twenty dollars? who are you nancy drew? go ahead. it's worth three grand easy. my gale weather's will stop at nothing to get the story. rina reynolds. what a stage name. we've found out where she went. sidney, what happened? rina reynolds. good twist. oh, come on! you have made millions off the story of her murder. you're obsessed with her and you're obsessed with her daughter! oh god gale, dewey was right. stop getting so nervous and you might stop causing me to gag! i think milton's the killer. i think he just went out to kill another cast member. rob reiner and quentin tarentino? excuse me gale! what the hell do you think you're doing? what? what'd you find? guys! i got a bad feeling. guys there's someone else in the fucking room!