i can assure you that security on the set will be at an all time high. again, the deaths are sheer tragedy. really, what was his name? gale weathers?! what are you doing here? no press on the set! no press, no press on set! get that woman out of here. well then, i guess i'll be leaving then. listen lois lane, i love your show and all but last month i happened to catch your little segment on me and how my wife left me because i'm a sex addict who enjoys screwing fifteen year old girls. it was a real eye opener my lawyers are still thinking about bringing to your superior's attentions. roman i know you're upset. but there will be other movies. i know. ah, variety called you a pariah? well fuck them. i got a great script on my desk. it's called tragic menage trios and it was written by john sayles. i'm thinking you for director. what? come in. no, not to you roman. look i'll talk to you later. bye. just what the hell do you people think you're doing, barging in here like this? i've got important calls to make. i run this studio. who? do you know how many actors have worked for me? hundreds, thousands. what's your point? i remember her! she was a bit player in a couple of my movies. a nobody! so what does it matter? what the hell are you guys getting at? i make horror films, that's what i do. the studio came to me with 'stab'. they came to me, check it out. when we did the first 'stab" i realized i'd known maureen prescott before, i mean as rina. i couldn't tell anyone. can you imagine the press? get real, that would make me a suspect! yeah. now you listen to me, lois lane, let it go. it's dead and buried. daddy took ol' yeller out behind the barn and shot him in the head a long time ago. it was in the 70's, everything was different. i was well known for my parties, rina knew what they were. it was for girls like her to meet men, men who could get them parts, if they made the right impression. nothing happened to her that she didn't invite, in one way or another, no matter what she said afterwards. i'm saying things got out of hand. maybe they did take advantage of her!. maybe the sad truth is, this is not the city for innocence. no charges were brought. and the bottom line is, rina reynolds wouldn't play by the rules. you wanna get ahead in hollywood, you gotta play the game, or go home. john milton. who is this? it's you. the saboteur whose been fucking up my movie! i swear to god if you don't stop i'll find you and have you killed! i shut down production on that piece of shit stab 3! we had a no talent director and the lousiest sidney prescott on the planet but that was besides the point! you still killed my movie! a john milton film! and if you ever try and cross me again you'll be sorry. my next movie is gonna be a grandiose step up from this slasher shit! it's a film written and directed by john sayles.