good morning gale. pleasure to be here. well it's a honor to be here amongst so many fans of the genre. and i must say that any of you worried that jerry rapp, or tori or david not returning to complete the stab trilogy, have no fear, roman is here. aided with my excellent cast of newcomers i believe we're going to pull off one of the best stabs yet. honestly, my life. well if you were in my shoes, dealing with those big time sunrise studio producers like i do on a daily basis, you'd watch how quick your life goes from a walt disney picture to a tobe hooper flick. sure. sarah, it's roman, i'm sorry i'm running late, i'm still on the 405, i'm about 10 minutes away. all right, since i got you on the phone, let's talk about your character. you're not happy with your part. um hmm. umhmm great, so let's run the lines. page 22, candy's big moment. hello. who's this? why don't we just read the scene? candy, is that like candy cane or candy apple? but you know my favorite name? it's sarah. it is in my script. it's not just a new script, it's a new movie. my movie. that's because i didn't. what meeting? wait a minute! i never called her! i never told her to go anywhere! well, she wasn't speaking with me! look, i did not call sarah darling! someone is trying to ruin my movie. someone wants to kill my movie! ha! too late, studio's shutting down production. called my film a risk! do you believe this shit? they're actually shelving my film because there's been one ensie little murder. god, three people died during the filming of the exorcist. roman bridger, director. and brother. she slammed the door in my face, sid. said i was rina's child and rina was dead. and it struck me, what a good idea! so i watched her, made a little home movie, a little family film. seems maureen, mom, really got around. i mean, cotton weary was one thing, everybody knew about that, but billy's father, that was the key! your boyfriend didn't like seeing his daddy in my movies. didn't like it at all. and once i supplied the motive, all the kid needed was a few pointers. have a partner to sell out in case you get caught, find someone to frame, it was like her was making a movie. i'm a director sid, i direct. for example, angelina over there, she's my partner. i can convince her to do anything. we've been dating since i met her in woodsboro. and i kinda keep her around cause it's a bit of a turn-on. you know, in the movies she's you sid, so every time i jump her bones, i'm doing you, technically. wait a second sid. don't you go jumping the gun. you haven't seen the best part. with the aides of the computer revolution of y2ki've been able to steal your voice. ain't it cool? listen to what the police are gonna find next to your lifeless, mutilated body. awesome. what'd i tell ya? heh. did youknow that john milton, was my daddy? yep, he's the one who fucked mommy dearest in the long run. his parties, his flings, exploited the hollywood nobody! that's whyi had to make him pay. daddy dearest is dead. mommy's dead. looks like i'm an orphan all alone in this world. what a good reason to -- stab myself! see sidney, as amateur as billy and stu were, they laid the groundwork for this! see sidney, they also set the stage for you! introducing to the world sidney the victim! sidney the survivor! sidney the star! see sid, now comes the part where we get away with it! the part where we win! cause face it sidney, in this world, the bad guys win! god damn it sidney!