goddamnit i am getting so fed up with these re-writes. it's like every five minutes there's a new script. god, and you just know this all because of stab 2's script winding up on the internet two months after it wrapped shooting. what are you talking about? the murders were a completely isolated incident. would you give that script a rest? it's like a friggen umbilical cord to you. i know who you're talking about. rebecca something. eww yeah, finding a guy to have sex with that doesn't look like you. stab 3. oh god i've gotta get myself a better agent. anybody home? doubt that. anyone here? fuck you very much! tyson go to hell! what the hell are you doing here? where's roman? make-up. you need it. hey, roman isn't here? damn. he called my roommate and told her he had some important things he wanted to go over with me in his office tonight. for the honorary field of directing and cinematography in music videos. how to the point. oh shit. hello? director's office. oh it's no problem, i'm just. looking at your music video awards. what character? i'm candy, the chick who gets killed second. i'm only in two scenes! i'm not happy that i'm 35 playing a 21 year old. i'm not happy that i have to die naked! and i'm not happy that my character is too stupid not to have a gun in the house after her boyfriend's been cut into mcnuggets. huh, fine. page 22. ring ring. hello? who's this? this is candy. hang on, let me get some clothes. see! i don't' understand why i have to start the scene in the shower! the whole shower things been done, 'vertigo' hello! and i mean, my boyfriend just died, why am i showering? whatever. come on, who is this? i think you have the wrong number. i'm hanging up right now. roman that's not the line. has there been another goddamn rewrite? how the fuck are we supposed to learn our lines when there's a new script every 15 minutes? what? what movie? shit. no! no! noooo!