mom! this is laura in monterey reporting in for work. thanks. yes, hi i'm laura, i'm a trained counselor. how can i help you. are you sure? well then the people you need to call are the police. i'm sorry, your voice. who the fuck is this? w-what do you want? you sick fuck i'm tracing this call as we speak! the police are gonna nail your ass! no. you didn't kill my mother. billy loomis and stu macher did. the final act? well let's play asshole! if you lay a hand on him i'll fucking kill you! dewey! well it's not safe for me up there either. the killer found me dewey. he called me last night. i figured i'd be safe if i was at least up here with the people i care about. now where's this kincaid guy the news is talking about? i found this place from a fox 5 tv news report. heh. hi, gale. i'm glad you're all right. oh, you know, the usual small talk, "what's new, how ya been, how do you want to die?" why didn't you tell me? this is my mother, dewey. why didn't you say something? listen, detective, i wanna see this studio where all this shit's going down. absolutely. mm, what a waste of silicone. what does my mother have to do with this all dewey? we're a long way from woodsboro. oh my god karen you scared the shit out of me! what are you doing here? she was randy's only girlfriend . . . ever. it's been a while? you still working at bradley's? oh my god. thanks karen. you be careful. i can see nothing's changed. listen dewey i have to go to the bathroom. no i'll be ok. i've got my mace. my knife. these two lethal weapons. no really, i'll be fine. i'll be right back. h-hello? anyone there? shit. jesus christ dewey help me! they tried to kill me in the bathroom! the killers! what are you talking about? i was attacked in the bathroom. what do you know about trilogies? you seem to like movies, detective. i'll call you mark when you catch the killer, detective. did you request this case? must be exciting, beautiful place, beautiful people. excuse me? what do you mean? ghosts are tough, you can't shoot ghosts. hmm. i used to think i had the perfect mom, perfect family. till i found out i was wrong. she had a secret life, and i tried to understand that, and soon as i thought i had, more secrets. i don't' know who my mom was. sometimes i feel like i'm just learning about my mother for the first time. you know, with tv and those movies and what not. god sometimes i feel like i'm just learning about myself for the first time. like i'm watching my life instead of living in it. how is that good news? oh yeah, how? hey detective? what's your favorite scary movie? mine too. hello? who is this? um wh-who's calling? gale, dewey, whoever, um, call me back, i can only hear myself. who is this? yes. how do i know their voices are -- you're dead! where? where? fuck! yeah? alright, i'm here. now what? i thought you wanted me here? alright i'm here, now show your face so we can finish this. yeah? dewey?! ohmigod! where are you?! where are you dewey? who are you? gale! gale he's got dewey! i know! gale watchout! dewey! they've got her! oh god. it's you?! all of this is because of you? who the hell are you? all the nightmares. all the hell i went through was because of you, you spineless bastard! oh my god, angie crick? from english class? listen, i have no time for this. i've heard this shit before! so lets get on with it! i can't take it anymore. this hollywood exploitation of the nightmare i lived has to be stopped. i did this to make you all repent for your sins, and now i'm pleased i've got my message across. good-bye. roman knock it off! do you people even know why you kill people? you kill people cause you choose to and not because of any other fucking reason! dewey my god i thought you were dead. dewey! it's gale! he wasn't superhuman dewey. he wasn't superhuman at all. this shit is really getting repetitive, you know? it was just something that's been itching to be completed for the past four years. take care detective. give my regards to the wife and kids.