hey dew, did you hear? somebody iced ben damon and his girlfriend. what? what'd i do? relax your crack sweetheart i didn't rip those two fucks up last night. jeez. so what are you doing tonight? talk about moody. and how about you good looking? got any plans for later? gale weathers. what a surprise. hey i really liked that piece you did on me last month. the one where you said my car accident was caused by me drinking and drugs, and how i faked the tire blow-out just so my insurance wouldn't sky rocket. really, cause that stunt lost me the lead role in roman polanski's latest picture. huh, what a coincide i was picked up by roman bridger. well, not exactly the roman i wanted. get my point? stab 3 is bullshit. fuck, because of your big mouth i'm here, drinking piss water scotch with second rate fucking celebrities like jennifer jollie and yourself! hey, i just got an idea. maybe i should have a look at your break line. that your car over there? you mean what's left of us. yeah i'm running on empty anyways. gotta refuel. hey good looking, if you play your cards right, i may be able to sit you down on my casting couch and try you out for a few films my production company is working on. how do you feel about a deep throat remake? i'll be right back. angelina! hey! where the hell are you? i was only playing! hey look, i can really get you a bit part! just come on out! ok? damn it. there goes my chances of getting some head from her. aaaangelina? angelina? you fucker! fucker!