hello. who is this? i don't know. do i? wait, wait. don't hang up. but your voice sounds so familiar. you almost sound like that guy from there's something about carrie. ben. ben damon. really? you're such a talented actor. now let's see you act your way out of this one. i mean, i'm standing right outside the ladies room door at the plaza theater. your girlfriend christine is in there. she's all alone. everyone's in the auditorium waiting for the film to start. i've got my knife. more of a game really. you seem to be familiar with the stab movies. here's how we play. i ask you a question. you get it right, your girlfriend lives. you answer wrong, she dies. maybe so, but right now, we play the game. first question, your girlfriend's counting on you, name your girlfriend's character in stab 2? come on. don't you know? very good. now we play round 2. that's right. and you beat round 1. now we're taking the game to a whole new level. meet me beneath the hollywood sign in ten minutes. i'll have your girlfriend. we'll be waiting. good bye ben. you're not playing by the rules ben. don't you want her to live? no! you listen to me, if you're not where i want you in fifteen minutes i'll hollow her out. do you understand? very good. you follow directions well. now for the final part of the game. put down the bat and approach the sign, slowly. closer than you think. to see your reaction. well well, someone dies and gale weathers comes running. what a shock. do you think it's over sidney? do you? i want to finish what i started. i want to finish the game. let them try. you'll never find me. i've already gotten away with murder before. for instance, maureen prescott. heh. so you think sidney. so you think. it's all been building up to this sid. every stab. every scream. every ounce of blood that's been spilled has all been leading up to this moment. welcome tothe final act. no. we play in my court this time. come to hollywood. stab 3's going to cutting corners cast-wise. and i've got my eyes set on a technical advisor named dewey rielly. great. a spirited one. i'll be seeing you real soon sidney. real soon. it's called, sarah gets sliced like a fucking pig. still in character, sarah? hello jennifer. wanna play a little game? wanna play a game? you tell me. you bankrolled three movies about me. oh poor john. there's not gonna be another film. well, at least not for you. not so fast. we're not finished. i wouldn't run if i were you gale. it's only gonna end up with you getting skewered like a fucking pig. i need you. i need you as bait. for sidney. { a click } i only her you too, sidney. the question isn't who i am. the question is, who's with me. don't do it! if you do one thing to attract attention, one thing, i'll kill them both. now, do you have somewhere we can be alone? go there. always hard being friends with you, sidney. when you're friends with sidney, you die! well these friends don't have to, sidney. it's up to you. are real? how do you know you're not hearing things? how do you know i'm not someone in your head? somewhere, you know. or do you? i don't want them, i want you! it's simple. you show yourself, they survive, you run, they die! don't you want to know sidney? don't you want to know who killed her? don't you want to know who killed your mother? she'd have been so happy, sidney, to know we'd be together. i'll call you, when you're on your way. you follow directions good. now let's wrap this production. go to the sunrise studios backlot. i'll call you when you get there. you're doing real good. can't you figure it out? i wanna finish this where it all began. woodsboro. it's good to see you again sidney. i was growing real impatient. go ahead. explore. i'll catch up with you later. you're not going anywhere sidney. it's time you came to terms with me, and with mother! maybe you never knew her at all, sid. maybe you can't get past the surface of things.