i'm sorry. don't hate me. you sleep in that? i'll only stay a sec. close call. it just occurred to me that i've never snuck through your bedroom window. and i was home, bored, watching television, the exorcist was on and it got me thinking of you. yeah, it was edited for tv. all the good stuff was cut out and i started thinking about us and how two years ago, we started off kinda hot and heavy, a nice solid "r" rating on our way to an nc17. and how things have changed and, lately, we're just sot of. edited for television. no, no. i wouldn't dream of breaking your underwear rule. i just thought we might do some on top of the clothes stuff. see what you do to me. i'm going. i'm going. hey. about the sex stuff. i'm not trying to rush you. i was only half serious. what's that? thanks randy. it's called tact, you fuckrag. no one's saying you did. her boyfriend, staring at her, surprised. i heard screaming. the door was locked. are you okay. hey. wait. what's goin. i didn't do anything! sid. where's sid? ask her, she'll tell ya. sheriff. i didn't do it. please, call my dad. please. i didn't call anyone with it. i just took it for fun. i just wanted to see her, that's all. yes, sir. i watched tv for awhile but the i felt like going for a bike ride. no, i didn't. i didn't kill anyone, sheriff. this is crazy. i didn't do it. hi, sid. can we talk a sec? talk to me, sid. you open your mouth and stupidity pours out. they collide hard catching sidney off guard, scaring the life out of her. she falls backwards, but billy catches her fall. hey, hey, it's just me. what? you don't still think it's me? the police say i scared him off. it wasn't me, sid. see, it couldn't have been me. i was in jail, remember? understand what? that i got a girlfriend who would rather accuse me of being a psychopathic killer than touch me. then what is it? is there somebody else? is it the sex thing? am i being too pushy? it's been a year since she died. when are you gonna let that go, sid? when my mom left my dad--i just accepted it. this is the way it is. she's not coming back. you have to move on, sid. how'd you do? thanks, butt wart. you did good. duh. that's quick. because i'm trying to build your self- esteem. you're far too sensitive. you ready to party hard tonight? how do we know you're not the killer? maybe your movie-freaked mind lost it's reality button? i was hoping sid and i could talk. subtlety, stu. look it up. so. i'm sorry. i've been a selfish shit and i'm sorry. you lost your mom. oh sidney. sure it does. it's like jodie foster in silence of the lambs when she kept having flashbacks of her dead father. sure it is, sid. it's all a movie. life's one great big movie. only you can't pick your genre. ssshh. everything's gonna be okay. i promise. sshh. it's okay. what? are you serious? what? i called my dad. yeah. and when i called no one answered. you don't still think it was me? what do i have to do to prove to you i'm not a killer? emerging from the shadows, stumbling down the stairs. very much alive. i'm alright. gotta. get. help. it's okay. give me the gun. shhhh. it's okay. "we all go a little mad sometimes." anthony perkins--psycho corn syrup. same stuff they used for pig's blood in carrie. where ya going? it's not over yet. we've got one more surprise--stu, i believe it's your turn. what's wrong? you look like you've seen a ghost. close enough. it's called guess how i'm going to die! we already played that game. you lost, remember? it's an easy game. we ask you a question. if you get it wrong--you die. tell that to cotton weary. you wouldn't believe how easy it was to frame him. why? why? did you hear that, stu? i think she wants a motive. hmmm. i don't really believe in motives, sid. i mean, did norman bates have a motive? and did they really ever explain why hannibal lecter liked to eat people? don't think so. you see, it's scarier when there's no motive, sid. we did your mom a favor, sid. the woman was a slut bag whore who flashed her shit all over town like she was sharon stone or something. is that motive enough for you? or how about this? did you know your slut mother was sleeping with my dad and she's the reason my mom moved out and deserted me. think about it. on the off chance i get caught-a motive like that could divide a jury for years, don't you think?. you took my mother, so i took yours. big sympathy factor. maternal abandonment causes serious deviant behavior. it certainly fucked you up. it made you have sex with a psychopath. pretend this is all just a scary movie, sid. how do you think it's going to end? you know what time it is, sid? it's after midnight. it's your mother's anniversary. we killed her exactly one year ago today. ready? don't forget-stay to the side and don't go too deep. jesus. fuck, that hurt. got the ending figured out yet? time's running out. what if your father snapped? your mom's anniversary set him off and he went on a murder spree, killing everyone. and then he killed you and then shoots himself in the head. it's a perfect ending. oh sid, don't blame the movies. movies don't create psychos. movies just make psychos more creative. get the gun. i'll untie pops. it's on the table. where the fuck is it? i thought she was dead. she can't get both of us. where'd she go? where the fuck did she go? hello? you bitch--where the fuck are you? find her. find her you dipshit! i'm gonna rip you up bitch. just like your slut whore mother.