sidney prescott. we all know sidney, mr. himbry. it's deputy riley today, sid. we got him, sheriff. billy loomis. he's her boyfriend. i was first to respond. drive by patrol. she's tough. you gonna be able to come down to the station and talk to us a bit? what are you doing here? you can't be here, tatum. this is an official crime scene. does mom know? you're sure it was the hilton? he's not registered. could he have gone to another hotel? we'll find him, sid. don't worry. that ghost mask is sold at both kroger's and walmart. neither of which keep purchase records. they're pulling loomis' account. but it'll be morning before we see something. you think he did it? hold up a sec. we haven't located her dad yet. what did mama tell you? when i wear this badge you treat me like a man of the law. i'll get the car. wait here. i thought you might want some ice for that right hook. i'll be right next door. try to get some sleep. not yet, but we're looking. if you need anything. what? what? billy was released. his cellular bill was clean. he didn't make those calls. i know. we're checking every cellular account in the county. any calls made to you or casey becker are being cross- referenced. it's gonna take time but we'll find him. hey, it's school. you'll be safe here. leave the girl alone, will ya? she wants to go to school. yes, sir, sheriff. i know who you are, ma'am. how's the eye? well. uh. yes ma'am. for the time being. you're not supposed to be here, ma'am. i'm twenty-five years old, ma'am. no, ma'am. because of my boyish good looks, muscle mass has increased my acceptance as a serious police officer. serial killer is not really accurate, ma'am. the killer has yet to strike twice. we're tracking the cellular phone bill. no, not yet. we haven't ruled out that possibil. if you'll excuse me, ma'am. that's quite alright. if i may say so, ma'am, you're much prettier in person. i just turned 25. i was 24 for a whole year. a party? mom's gonna kill you. then me. hey, i saw that movie. true story, 'bout some killer in texas. i see you as a young meg ryan myself. i'll just be a few minutes. don't go far. keeping my eye on sidney. couldn't his cellular number have been cloned? have you contacted the bureau? you think he could still be in town? she's with my sister. should i bring her in? she'll be with her friends over at stu maker's tonight. yes, sir. you girls ready. looks like i'm your personal bodyguard tonight, sid. sorry, police orders. i'll stay out of the way, i promise. evening, ma'am. what brings you out to these parts? not much story here. just a bunch of kids cutting loose. keeping an eye on things. checking the place out. not at all. she's with me. i just wanted to check on things. afraid not. not yet. sheriff just radioed me. i'm gonna check out a possible lead. thought you might like to join me. a car was spotted in the bushes a little ways up the road. ma'am, i am the deputy of this town. no! i mean. i should probably take just you. actually, i thought we could walk. it's not far. dwight. dewey was something i got stuck with a long time ago. nah. it's just this town's way of not taking me serious. i don't think you're so bad. you okay? looks like a car. shit. it's neil prescott's car. we gotta get back. jesus. he's here. what the fuck is he doing here? i'll call for backup.