the small town of bayboro, north carolina was devastated last night when two young teenagers were found brutally butchered. authorities have yet to issue a statement but our sources tell us that no arrest has been made and the murderer could strike again. this is not the first time the small town of bayboro has endured such tragedy. only a year ago, maureen prescott, wife and mother, was found raped and murdered. i'll be damned. jesus! the camera-hurry! excuse me? was that sidney prescott they took away? what happened to her? look, kenny, i know you're about fifty pounds overweight but when i say hurry please interpret that as. move your fat tub of lard ass now! hello sidney. some night. are you alright? what happened? yes, that's right. it'll be out later this year. i'll send you a copy. stop right there. just stay back. kenny. camera. now. forget it. i owe you shit. your mother's murder was last year's hottest court case. somebody was gonna write a book about it. what is your problem? you got what you wanted. cotton weary is in jail. they're gonna gas him. a book is not gonna change that. he was convicted in a court of law. your testimony put him away. it doesn't matter what i think. i think you falsely identified him. yes. many times. not one word. he admits to having sex with your mother but that's all. he was drunk that night. he left his coat at your house, after your mother seduced him. but couldn't it have been someone else you saw wearing that coat? the same person who planted it in cotton's car, framing him? the same person who really killed your mother? you're not so sure anymore, are you? the killer is still on the loose, isn't he? these murders are related. wait, sidney, don't go. jesus christ! an innocent man on death row. a killer still on the loose. kenny, tell me i'm dreaming. no, not so fast. we have nothing concrete. if i'm gonna blow this up-i need hard proof. not this time. i owe cotton that much. hell, even i thought that man was guilty. hi! gale weathers. field correspondent, productive. so they're closing down the school? and why is that? has something happened? i know, i should be in new york covering the sharon stone stalker but who knew? please, call me gale. you look awfully young to be a police officer. twenty-five, huh? in a demographic study i proved to be most popular amongst males, 11-24. i just missed you. of course, you don't look a day over twelve, except in the upper torso area. does the force require that you work out? boy, you people sure do make fuss over a serial killer. well, we can hope, can't we? we certainly don't have any leads. a ghost mask, a cellular phone--not much there. really? you small town guys are good. and have you located sidney's father? he's not a suspect, is he? am i keeping you? i'm sorry. so you do watch the show? you are precious. please, call me gale. prep the compact, we'll hide it in a window and tape all of tonight's festivities. what's the delay? as long as it records i don't give a shit. we're not doing a remote. deputy. good evening. you never know when or where a story will break. then what are you doing here? mind if i join you? huge. maybe later? can i trouble you for some water? tell me, kenny, has a cheesy tabloid journalist ever won the pulitzer? what kind of lead? i'd love to. if you're sure it's alright? can i bring kenny? i'll be back. so is dewey your real name? i like it. it's. sexy. what about gale weathers? i sound like a meteorologist. people treat me like the antichrist of television journalism. are all the local boys as sweet as you? what's that? sidney's father? i'll get my camera. kenny! camera! quick! kenny? dewey? dewey? where are you? i've got an ending for you. the reporter left for dead in the newsvan comes to, stumbles upon you two dipshits, finds the gun, fumbles your plan, and saves the day. i wanna close-up.