who is this? what number is this? i don't know. do i? i'm sorry. i guess i dialed the wrong number. to apologize. wait, wait, don't hang up. i want to talk to you for a second. why don't you want to talk to me? you tell me your name, i'll tell you mine. what's that noise? you're making popcorn? i only eat popcorn at the movies. really? what? do you like scary movies? what's your favorite scary movie? you have to have a favorite. guess. is that the one where the guy had knives for fingers? freddy-that's right. i liked that movie. it was scary. so, you gotta boyfriend? maybe. do you have a boyfriend? you never told me your name. because i want to know who i'm looking at. i want to now who i'm talking to. what do you think i said? wait. i thought we were gonna go out. don't hang up on me. don't. i told you not to hang up on me. to talk. you getting scared? no, you listen, you little bitch. if you more of a game, really. they'd never make it in time. you should never say "who's there?". don't you watch scary movies? it's a death wish. or else what? i thought you didn't have a boyfriend. sure. i'm getting scared. i believe you. his name wouldn't be steve, would it? go to the back door and turn on the porch light--again. i wouldn't do that if i were you. guess. that all depends on you. i wanna play a game. then he dies. right now. which is it? turn off the light. here's how we play. i ask a question. if you get it right-steve lives. come on. it'll be fun. it's an easy category. movie trivia. i'll even give you a warm up question. name the killer in halloween. come on. it's you favorite scary movie, remember? he had a white mask, he stalked the baby-sitters. come on, yes you do. what's his name? steve's counting on you. yes! now for the real question. but you're doing so well. then answer the question. same category. name the killer in friday the 13th. i'm sorry. that's the wrong answer. afraid not. then you should know jason's mother -mrs.vorhees was the original killer. jason didn't show up until the sequel. lucky, for you there's a bonus round. but poor steve. i'm afraid. he's out. final question. are you ready? answer the question and i will. what door am i at? there are two doors to your house. a front door and a back one. if you answer correctly-you live. your call. i can hear you. i know you're here. you tell me. scary night, isn't it? with the murders and all, it's like right out of a horror movie or something. do you like scary movies, sidney? what's your favorite scary movie? and why is that? are you alone in the house? maybe that's because i'm not randy. the question is not who am i. the question is where am i? your front porch. that's the original part. right here. uh-huh. if you hang up, you'll die just like your mother. do you want to die, sidney? your mother didn't. hello sidney. poor billy-boyfriend. an innocent guy doesn't stand a chance with you. looks like you fingered the wrong guy. again. don't worry. you'll find out soon enough. i promise. this is gonna be fun, sidney. just like old times. siddneey. it's me, sidney.