because their bodies were gutted. that was an ice pick-not exactly the same. remember in jaws when they caught the wrong shark at first and richard dreyfuss cut it open to look foe body parts and all they found was a licence plate and all this white milky goo. before she dumped him foe steve. and are the police aware you dated the victim? it would certainly improve your high school q. oooooh. before or after he sliced and diced. working, thank you. twice. besides- "takes a man to do something like that." did you really put her liver in the mailbox? i hear they found her liver in the mailbox. we had a run in the mass murder section. yeah, i'm off early--curfew you know. now that's poor taste. if you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath would you be standing in the horror section? you're such a little lap dog. he's got killer printed all over his forehead. because, obviously they don't watch enough movies. this is standard horror movie stuff. prom night revisited. there's always some stupid bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend. that's the beauty of it all. simplicity. besides, if it's too complicated you lose your target audience. maybe sidney wouldn't have sex with him. could be. now that billy's tried to mutilate her, you think sid would go out with me? because he's probably dead. his body will come popping out in the last reel somewhere. eyes gauged. see, the police are always off track with this shit, if they'd watch prom night they'd save time. there's formula to it. a very simple one. everyone's always a suspect--the father, the principal, the town derelict. so while they're off investigating a dead end, billy, who's been written off as a suspect, is busy planning his next hunting expedition. uh. hi, billy. you're absolutely right. i'm the first to admit it. if this were a scary movie, i'd be the prime suspect. it's 1995--motives are incidental. i thought we'd make it a blockbuster night. i had 'em hid in the foreign section. she's the scream queen. how many evil dead's? how many hellraiser's? we could be like two grief stricken students and we'll say really nice things about our good friends who were slaughtered senselessly. you get it. what's leatherface doing here? there goes my chance with sid. here comes another. shhhhh. not until trading places in '83. jamie lee was always the virgin in horror movies. she didn't show her tits until she went legit. that's why she always lived. only virgins can outsmart the killer in the big chase scene in the end. don't you know the rules? there are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie. for instance: 1. you can never have sex. the minute you get a little nookie--you're as good as gone. sex always equals death. 2. never drink or do drugs. the sin factor. it's an extension of number one. and 3. never, ever, ever, under any circumstances, say "i'll be right back." yeah. there he goes folks--a dead man. wave bye-bye. look, here comes the obligatory tit shot. hello? yeah. holy shit. listen up. they found principal himbry dead. he was gutted and hung from the goal post on the football field. we were just getting to the good part. no, jamie. look behind you! watch out! behind you! what's going on? jesus, sid. we gotta get out of here. don't shoot. it's me. listen to me, sid. i found tatum. she's dead, she's been killed. i think stu did it. don't listen to him. it's him. he's the one. no, sid. no, sid. open up. please. please, you gotta let me in. he's gonna kill me. help me. stu's flipped out. he's gone mad. you know what i hate most about horror movies? the final scene. it just goes on and on. and it gets so stupid. sid, you found me out. i'm a virgin. and pretty happy about it right now. careful. this is the moment when you think the killer's dead, but then he springs back to life for one last scare. this is probably an inappropriate moment, but you think you'd want to maybe go out with me sometime. like on a date? maybe catch a movie? you got it.