who's up next? how she doin'? hi sidney. how is everything? and your dad? how's he doing? hank loomis' kid? aw. jesus. what were you doing out here? how is she? have to be. the shit she's gone through. we're seeing a lot of you today. the vultures are coming. let's get you out of here. what are you doing with a cellular telephone, son? you got some ideas of playing around, boy. thank you, hank. we're on it. what were you doing out at sidney's tonight? you rode your bike out there? and last night? sidney said you crawled through her window last night too? did you ride past casey becker's house? we're gonna have to keep you, billy. the governor's got sbi, fbi, and god knows who else on their way down here. what about the cellular phone bill? twenty years ago i woulda said not a chance. but these kids today. damn if i know. she staying with you? use the back way. avoid the circus. she's okay. looks like some boys were teasing her. himbry's shutting down the school though. i want you to take look around. dewey! where the hell you been, boy? listen up, dewey, because it's bad. real bad. aircomp just faxed us. the calls were listed to neil prescott--sidney's father. he made the calls with his cellular phone. it's confirmed. there's more. guess what tomorrow is? the anniversary of his wife's death. it all fits. he's our man. they believe he's out of state by now. we'll keep roadblocks and curfew in effect through the night. if he's not picked up by morning--we'll do a house to house. he'd have to be crazy. where's sidney? hold off for now. just stay close to her. watch her. don't let on--just keep your eyes out.