i don't know, they just did. because there's no way a girl could have killed them. yeah, casey and steve were completely hollowed out. takes a man to do something like that. you take a knife and slit from the groin to the sternum. what? she asked. sorry. you heard billy-shut the fuck up. for about two seconds. i did. he's full of shit. what are you saying? that i killed her or something? i didn't kill anybody. i'm gonna gut your ass in a second. yeah, randy, she's getting mad. i think you better liver alone. hey, go easy, tatum. he didn't do it. are you kidding? this is like christmas. owwww. sorry. is this not cool or what? hey, sid, what happened? okay, but whatever you did--the entire student body thanks you. and to celebrate this impromptu fall break, i propose we have a party. tonight, my house. my parents are out of town. it'll be like my hurricane bash last year. nothing extreme. just a few of us, hangin'. remember, there's safety in numbers. cool. see you guys tonight. bring food. piece of cake. she'll be there. so you gonna try and make up with sid? i was just asking. why are you always at me? oh. you know it. jesus, this place is packed. you coming tonight? what? it was all a misunderstanding. he didn't do anything. the why'd the police let him go? why would he want to kill his own girlfriend? so what's his reason? she's saving herself for you. i think her father did it. how come they can't find his ass? which is you. and what would be your motive? where you guys been? we had to start without you. i thought everything was checked out. with that set of lungs--she should be. i got it. tatum get me a beer. they're in the fridge in the garage. hey, guess who's here? it's that chick from inside story? this must be big news to be on inside i can cry on cue. how 'bout a beer? randy--get the lady a beer. dude. what are you doing here? you guys can go up to my parents room? to talk and. whatever. he came to make up. like you had one. i wanna see jamie lee's breasts. when do we see jamie lee's breasts? what rules? wanna another beer? i'll be right back. he's lying. he killed tatum. and billy. his movie nut mind has snapped, sid. he's gone psycho. come on, sid. give me the gun. sidney spins around. her mouth open in speechless horror. surprise, sidney. oh yeah guess, i won't be needing this anymore. it's all part of the game. you have to play, sid. don't want to disappoint your dad. he's been waiting around all night. and if you get it right--you die. the official term is "psychotic". yeah, we just watched a few movies. took a few notes. it was fun. nope. so we put her out of her misery. i mean, let's face it, your mom was no sharon stone. that's right and now that you're no longer a virgin. you gotta die--those are the rules. this is the best part, sid. billy's got it all figured out. why do you think we kept your father alive so long? why did we save you for last? yeah. jesus. good one. my turn. come on, sid. think about it. your father is the chief suspect. we cloned his cellular. the evidence is there. except for me and billy. we were left for dead. everyone dies but us. we get to carry on and plan the sequel. let's face it, these days--you gotta have a sequel. that's it, billy. i can't take any more. i'm feeling woozy. where'd you put it? no, it's not. she looked dead. still does. odds are--she'll miss anyway. cool move. i don't know billy but i'm hurtin'. i can't. i'm bad off, billy. you cut to deep. peer pressure. i'm way to sensitive.