what is the point, somerset?
an artist?
wrong. for all we know, we might never hear from him again, and i don't want that kind of talk floating around.
so? what?
you with him, or you just here to watch?
always working overtime up in that big brain of yours, huh? always cooking.
what the hell are you talking about?
you've left unfinished business before.
i don't have anyone else to give this to, somerset. and nobody's going to swap with you.
that's not necessary. you're in.
start picking up the pieces. i'll shuffle some paper and try to get you a new partner.
you win, somerset. you're out.
what are you going to do with yourself out there, somerset?
can't you feel it yet? can't you feel that feeling.  that you won't be special anymore?
you know.
i heard.
it's always been like this.
you were made for this work, somerset. i can't believe you're going to trade it all in for a tool belt and a fishing rod. but, i guess i'm wrong.
wake up, glimmer twins. we have a winner.
his street name is zero, as some of you know. his prints were found at the scene by detectives mills and somerset.
now, zero has a long, long history of mental illness. serious illness. he was all over your television sets two years ago after he raped and killed a seventy-three year old woman. he got off, as the saying goes, on a technicality. so we watched him on the streets, and he went out of circulation about a year ago.
his last place of residence is still in his name. a search warrant is being pushed through the court as we speak.
listen, california. when you go in, if zero isn't home, some of his buddies might be house-sitting. and besides using, zero deals, so, you will be very uninvited guests.
alright, boys, you're running on empty. go home. just make sure you sleep with the phone between your knees.
he cuts off the skin of his fingertips. that's why we can't find a single usable print in his apartment. for a long time, he's been cutting before the papillary lines can grow back.
the orphanage is all we have. his bank account is only five years old and it started as cash. there's no credit history, no employment history. we even tried to trace his furniture. all we know for sure is he's wealthy, well educated and totally insane. we may never know how he got that way.
you don't. this goes to court now.
well, there he sits. it's not supposed to make sense.
you're wound way too tight on this, mills.
it's over.
frankly, counselor, i'm inclined to let them rot.
back off, mills.
we're going to have to pass.
i don't know if i should do this. we found the motel room doe must have been staying in after you found his apartment.
anyway.  we found this in his belongings.