is that your car, man? does that car belong to you? you're telling me that's your car? uh. lieutenant somerset? i'm david mills. your new partner. i'm a little thrown. i just finished orientation at central, and they dumped me off down here. yeah. two real idiots. excuse me, but i'd rather start sniffing for a case, if it's all the same to you. seeing how we only have a week for this whole transition thing. i want to get into the shit a.s.a.p., know what i mean? i. i don't follow. i'm here for the same reasons as you, i guess. or. at least the same reasons you used to have for being here. . before you decided to give up. maybe i don't understand the question. i don't know. maybe i thought i could do more good here than there. you know, it'd be great by me if we didn't start right out kicking each other in the balls. but, you're calling the shots, lieutenant, so however you want it to go. i wasn't standing around philly guarding the fucking liberty bell. i realize that. wait, wait, wait. you didn't check him? you didn't check vital signs? no. the point is, when you're first man in, you check vital signs. listen, godzilla. and, i wonder how many times officer davis there has found a supposedly dead man who didn't really die until davis was back in the patrol car calling the morgue and eating a powdered donut. fine. for now. i guess that makes it homicide. still, he could have tied himself in. to make it look like murder. i don't see any blood or bruises yet. no wounds. you see anything? i saw a guy once. committed suicide, but he wanted to make sure his family could collect insurance money, right? so, this guy took this big knife. and he held it behind him, put the tip of it in his back, and he ran backwards into the wall. cause, he thought it was going to look like someone stabbed him in the back. except, he poked a big fucking hole in the dry wall when he did it. oh, forgive me. i thought we had this male-bonding thing going. my mistake. i don't know. there's something. it's vomit. it's a bucket of vomit. can't tell by looking. you think he was poisoned? and, those rats there somehow ate the poison off the floor? there's room. light's the problem. thanks, but no thanks. i'll stay on this. we need to chat. you just hold them up. i do all the work. you've seen my files. seen the things i've done? so, what's your problem? i've done my time on door-to-doors, and walking a beat. i did all that shit a long time ago. that's bullshit. the badge in my pocket says "detective," just like yours. i've been homicide for four and a half years. oops. my hand slipped. you fucked me over today, and you know it. you know it. just don't jerk me off. that's all i ask. it's not much. don't jerk me off. please, do me the favor of remembering that. it was okay. i mean. it was certainly better than yesterday. i think somerset and i came to a small understanding. about this big. he is that, if nothing else. we started a big homicide case today. i'll spare you the grisly details. there are a lot of frightening people in the world. listen, honey. i don't want to fight tonight. okay? can we just go one night without fighting about something? we're here now. okay. are we supposed to pack it all in and go back? how are we going to do that? there's a lot of pressure on me. i. i know. i know. fuck you. fuck you, you son of a bitch! i'm walking here. i'm sorry. i couldn't pass it up. i never had a chance to actually do that. but, we can start the argument right back up where we left off, right? what? goodnight. i can see what you're pointing at. he died by eating? plastic? so, the killer had him at gunpoint, and gave him a choice: eat, or get your head blown off. so, the killer held a bucket under him. you kick him, pop him like a fucking balloon. somerset, look here. if this is what that is. it doesn't make sense. it doesn't figure. how are pieces of the floor going to get in the guy's stomach? "dear detectives. long is the way, and hard, that out of hell leads up to the light." this is not good. what? a pound of flesh. this is his stuff, captain. i've been out in the cold most of the day. what?! can i just say something? this is not my first case, fuckhead! give it to me, then. there's nothing that says i have to fly with him. if somerset wants out, fuck him. could we talk about this in private? thank you, sir. he must have left us another puzzle to solve. somewhere. christ. you tell 'em boss. detective david mills is a wonderful human being. fucking dante. goddamn, poetry writing freak, mother-fuck. good work, officer. good work. thank god. great. detective mills here. honey, i asked you not to call unless. what. why? okay. okay. hold on. it's my wife. well? how's that? tracy. what the hell? no argument. it takes time to settle in. this real estate guy. a real scum, brought us to see this place a few times. and, it was nice enough, and the price was right. i was thinking it was nothing, but i started to notice, he kept hurrying us along. i mean what could it be? why would he only show it like five minutes at a time, before he'd hustle us out the door? oh, fuck. that's weird. it's un-american. what about sports? you go to movies at least. t.v. guide. excuse me. i just have to say, i can't respect any man who's never seen green acres. you've never seen the odd couple? the flintstones? we think he acted like he was delivering a package. the doorman at mr. gold's building says he doesn't even look at anyone who goes in anymore. none. which i can't understand. it's like this guy's invisible. which saint is he? look, i appreciate being able to talk this out, but. it's my case. the eyes were circled. with mr. gold's blood. she was away on business. she got back the day he was killed. if this means she saw anything, i don't know what. we've questioned her about ten times. we put her in a safe house. i know. like in these paintings, and in dante's purgatory, right? but, in purgatory, dante and his buddy climb that big mountain. anyway. pride comes first, not gluttony. and in all the paintings, the sins are in a different order. i can't find a pattern. he's punishing these people. what? forced what? because someone's holding a gun on you. she didn't find it. the door to the apartment was open and a neighbor. no. she got back after you and i had already been there. what? please, look for anything strange or out of place. anything at all. i need your help if we're going to get the guy who killed your husband. if there's anything in these pictures. are you absolutely sure? he's punishing these people. what? forced what? because someone's holding a gun on you. she didn't find it. the door to the apartment was open and a neighbor. no. she got back after you and i had already been there. what? please, look for anything strange or out of place. anything at all. i need your help if we're going to get the guy who killed your husband. if there's anything in these pictures. are you absolutely sure? we have to show her those. there might be something she's missing. what is it? what? nothing. it's nothing. give it up. the killer didn't paint the fucking thing. he fucked us. son of a bitch! what? oh, yeah, sure. you got to be kidding. talk to me. listen, honestly. have you ever seen anything like this? been involved in anything remotely like this? who the hell knows? there's plenty of schizoids out there doing dirty deeds they don't want to do. with tiny voices whispering nasty things in their ears. and you don't? so, tell me what you think we're doing. you're unbelievable. in my entire life, you're the oldest man i've ever met. i've seen the same. i'm not the country hick-boy you seem to think i am. don't try to tell me you didn't get that rush tonight. that adrenalin. like we were getting somewhere. and, don't try to tell me it was because you thought we found something that would play well in a courtroom. you tell me. i'm new in town. we'll tag along. satisfy our curiosity? you ever take one? i pulled it once, fired it once. i never took a bullet. it was my first one of these. we were a secondary unit, in vice. i was pretty shaky going in. when we busted the door, looking for a junkie, the fucking guy opened fire. one cop was hit in the arm. he went flying. like in slow motion. i remember riding in the ambulance. his arm was like. a piece of meat. i thought, it's just his arm. but, he bled to death right there anyway. well, i was doing really good in philly up till then. lots of simple busts. i've always had this weird luck. but, this was wild. i got that fuck with one shot. right between the eyes. and the next week, the mayor's pinning a medal on me. picture in the paper, the whole nine yards. i expected it to be bad, because i heard about other guys. you know. i took a human life. but, i slept like a baby that night. sounds like he knew what he was talking about. get up now, motherfucker! now! i said get up, sleepyhead! holy shit. it's him. it's zero. hey, california. get your people out. somerset, you. you better look here. all pictures of zero tied to the bed. the last one's dated three days ago. what's this? a urine sample. hair sample. fingernail clippings. he's laughing at us. i want him bad. i don't just want to catch him anymore. i want to hurt him. i don't know about you, somerset, but i feed off my emotions. i hear you. what the fuck are you doing? that doesn't mean anything. this is a closed crime scene now! get the fuck out of here! how do those cockroaches get here so quick? i'm sorry. i just. he hasn't said anything, or tried to express himself in any way? there's no way he'll survive? there's a landlord's dream tenant. a paralyzed man with no tongue. bring me everything as soon as it's transcribed. milton. our guy's a bookworm, right? and, i know it's a long shot, but you have to give a picture id and current phone bill to get a library card. hey. i made two separate lists of books. one relating to the sins. dante's purgatory, canterbury tales. the dictionary of catholicism. all the religious stuff. the second list was books about torture methods, mass murderers. sadomasochism. whatever our killer might study to do the things he's done. whatever his other interests are. alright. everything at the library goes into a computer. so, you can get in the system and cross-reference. let's say you take, dante's purgatory, call number eight-five-one-d, and. the biography of the marquis de sade, ninety-two s-a-d-e. put those books in the system, and the computer can give you the name of anyone who's ever taken out both those books. and, it doesn't just give you their name and address, it gives you a complete history of their library reading habits. if somebody's out there reading paradise lost and studying the life and times of charlie manson, i want to talk to them. yeah. is that so hard for you to believe? i'm not as stupid as i look. ramirez. manuel ramirez. elinski. dennis elinski. atwater? paul atwater. okay, here we go. listen to the books this guy's been taking out. basic homicide investigation. forensic toxicology. the encyclopedia of modern serial killers. of human bondage. holy shit. somerset. the writings of saint thomas aquinas. aquinas. right? fuck. he used a false name. his library card lists him as jonathan doe. john doe. what? what are you talking about? it's impossible odds that this is him. i know, i know. on one little thing. i'm not complaining. i'll follow anything we get and i'll take it any way we can get it. i'll do the talking, right? let me practice here. um, excuse me mr. doe, but, are you by any chance a serial killer? oh. oh, you are? well, come with us then, if you don't mind. somerset! it's him! jesus christ, we can get this fucker! are you alright? are you okay? give us first crack at it. somerset! somerset, we had him. goddamn it. the pass is a fake. we had him. we were that close to him. make sure it gets around. keep looking. you know, you're right. i don't believe it. keep looking. i'm working on it, alright. what have we got. then, he must write about the murders. you were right. he is preaching. hello. hello? okay, john. let's. pride. just like in the painting. cut her up. dressed the wounds. he put the noose around her neck and stood her on the chair. call for help, and you'll live. but, you'll be mutilated. it won't be for long, honey. i swear. this is just till this is over. i'm sorry. there's two people in that painting. so, maybe he's planning to kill two people this time. maybe. what's wrong this morning? lust is next. lust is sex. adam and eve. sex, sex, sex. fucking sex. lust is red. blood red. red blooded. red head. dead. that would make sense. you're damn right it would. it was definitely him? you're positive? oh, fuck. if we get him, i'll be happy enough. how can you say that? especially after today? if i thought like you, i'd have slit my wrists a long time ago. you do your job. follow the law and do the best you can. it's all there. why don't you shut the fuck up for a while?! huh? you make these speeches. like you know everything there is to know. you think you're preparing me for the hard times ahead? you think you're toughening me up? well, you're not! you're quitting, fine. but i'm staying to fight. what the fuck is wrong with you, huh? what burnt you out? you're so much better than everyone, right? no one's worthy of you. you're talking about people who are mentally ill. you're. listen to yourself. you say, "the problem with people is they don't care, so i don't care about people." but, if you're not part of the solution. you're already here, and you've been here a long time. so, there's a part of you that knows, even if everything you say is true, none of it matters. fuck you. you want me to agree with you. "yeah, you're right, somerset, this place is fucked. let's go live in a fucking log cabin!" well, i don't agree with you. you're quitting, and it makes me sick. cause, you're the best i've ever seen. thanks for the beer. i love you. i love you. oh, you want to stay now? you think if you stay you're doing me some big favor? you knew i'd say yes. what a great big surprise that is. mills and somerset are on the premises. get down on the floor. get down! face down! don't move. don't move a fucking inch. what about the trace on his bank account? the guns? when do we get to question him? this doesn't make sense, captain. he wouldn't just turn himself in! he's not finished! somerset. help me out here. damn it, somerset. you know johnny's fucking with us. he's pissing in our faces again! well. what the fuck, man? no. why me? you like what you do for a living? i'll do it. i'll do it. i want to finish it. i will. i will. listen, somerset. we've been through a lot together. and, i uh. i would like to make sweet love to you. give me a kiss on the lips. extremely. what's your story, johnny? who are you, really? what's your deal? you seem pretty fucking nervous. you want this to go well? what is this? for us to go pick up two more dead bodies, and have that be the end of it. just seems too boring for you. wouldn't be sensational enough. what are you looking at, johnny? i remember a lot of people reading it at me when i was a kid. i preferred the classic comic version myself. i used to have "godspell" on an eight- track tape. does that count? sit back, freak. right, right. i forgot. you think these murders were for god. right? i'm asking you seriously. you really think what you did was god's good work? jesus christ, superstar. who in the world do you think you are? jesus christ, superstar. alright, somerset. going for a stroll. lean on your side. hands behind your head and lock your fingers together. where are we going? so far, so good. you go first. tell me where we're going. slow down, johnny. stop right there. i said stop! i'll blow your head off right now! what. no! motherfucker! no! he's gone, somerset! he's in the water! i'm going in! i have to go in after him! come on, johnny! i'm right here! come on! let's do it! you and me! i'm not going to let you win this! somerset? motherfucker! i'm going to kill you, johnny. i'm going to see you dead. fuck you!