i always figured that's the only reason you and i used to be friends. because i was a friend of hers. speaking of which. i painted that about five years ago. i always told myself i'd give it to you next time i saw you. things are different these days, pal. you wouldn't believe it. people buy my paintings now. they drive down in their bmws and rolls royces. it's the new money generation. i guess they think they're touching the avant-garde. there's another thousand dollar william mccracken expression of anarchy. make that two thousand. huh. oh. no. she moved out of the city. last winter. she married some businessman, or something like that. yeah? what happened to the idealistic super-cop i used to know? oh. sorry. i can't remember. man. can i buy these from you? wait a minute. i. i've seen things like that. it's church stuff. christianity. when it first started. christian artwork was all from bible stories. it was like. nobody had any imagination. it was all. standardized. that's what these murders remind me of. paintings like these. gluttony. greed. amen, brother. i can find more examples. there's lots of paintings like those. painted over hundreds of years. and you're right. that murderer is an artist.