this 'un come a long way 'fore he died. he wants to be sure. no need to shout, mister. reckon we got to go back -- ed's shoulder is smashed -- bad! howdy, mister jorgensen. got a letter here. for miss laurie. yes'm. figgered it might be the news you been waitin' for. so. no need to. maybe i'd better be goin'. he did? so he married a comanche squaw. haw haw haw! thought of saying 'no' never crossed my mind, miz jorgensen. no place i'd rather be than right here, right now. one old boot and a button shoe one old boot and a button shoe. yes'm. scarcely reck'nize myself. where's laurie? i'll thank you to leave the room, laurie. she sure is!. an' don't think your comin' back is goin' to change it! what right you got to be talkin' marriage to any decent woman. and other things. mebbe you thought you was gettin' away with being comical about that indian wife you took. i bet she wasn't the first squaw you. i ain't wearing no gun. no sir. pleasure. dunno. seems so. ain't goin' to be any weddin' -- not till we get a few things cleared up 'round here. you're goin' if the captain says you're goin'. yes sir. here. you fight like a comanch. maybe this'll help ya pass as one.