sorry to get you out of bed so early. mornin', sister edwards. lars jorgensen claims someone bust into his corral last night and run off his best cows. caddoes! coffee'd be fine, sister. over here, martin. aaron. raise your right hands. you are hereby volunteer privates in company a of the texas rangers and will faithfully discharge the duties of same without recompense or monetary compensation -- meaning no pay!. amen and get your shirt on, will you, aaron. from now on, call me 'captain'! well. the prodigal brother. when'd you get back? haven't seen you since the surrender. come to think of it, i didn't see you at the surrender. he sure is goin'. he's sworn in. all right. i'll swear you in. why? you wanted for a crime, ethan? i'm askin' as a ranger of the sovereign state of texas. you fit a lot of descriptions. looks like i'll be reading the lines over that pair before long, sister edwards. let's get on with it. jorgensen's place is closest. if they're not there, we'll come straight on! and to your keeping we commend the souls of aaron. martha. and benjamin edwards. man that is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. he cometh forth like a. like a flower and is cut down. amen! charlie--you and brad ride point! . don't get too far ahead. another one, eh? well, that's seven we can score up to your brother, ethan. what don't you like? what good does that do? you're right sure you want to jump 'em, ethan? i thought we were trying to get the girls back -- alive. we jump those comanches, they'll kill 'em. you know that! what i had in mind was runnin' off their hoss herd. a comanche on foot is more apt to be willin' to listen. as you have of findin' those girls alive by ridin' into 'em. i say we do it my way, ethan. and that's an order! just keep goin'. keep goin'. easy! how far's the river from here, mose? well, you better brace yourself for another one. ya-hee! ya-hee! this is as good as any. charlie, you and ed take the horses. i didn't give any order to fire! you got one now! let them bury their dead. no good, ed. and ethan's right. this is a job for a company of rangers. or it's a job for one or two men. right now we're too many. an' not enough. you boys got enough shells? vaya con dios. here he is, lars. combed, curried 'n washed behind the ears! say, that music sounds so good it must be sinful. well, now, a man of my age just can't haul off and dance in cold blood. but if there's any of that wild cherry brandy of yours, lars. came here for a wedding, ethan. until that's over, i reckon 'reverend' will do. sergeant maccorry! is this in the line of duty, sergeant? in that case, give the boys room. fight fair, son. use your fists! you all right, sergeant? well, go get cleaned up and we'll proceed with the weddin'. i got to ask you and martin to ride to the state capitol with me, ethan. captain. nope, wouldn't say that. likely you had your reasons for killin' futterman. probably needed killin'. i'm speaking as a ranger now, not as a reverend. fact that all three was shot in the back is the only thing that's raised some question -- that and a missin' gold piece known to have been on him just prior to his demise. now, now. let's not grow disputatious. what's that? more company? kinda late getting here, aren't they? i'm clayton. hold on, son. who's this colonel greenhill you're talking about? oh. now what's this your pa wants to know? joint action? and what makes you think he's in this territory? you tell your pa a company of rangers -- all fourteen of 'em -- fully armed an' equipped will be in the field by daylight. headin' for the south end of the malapai. if he can catch up with us, well an' good. sonny, yonder's a passel of murderers, complete with texican scalps an' white girl captive. you want to protect us, you just get out of our way. now skedaddle! ethan, you an' martin are hereby appointed civilian scouts -- without pay. charlie, hightail it to headquarters an' spread the word. you ready? how many, would you say? now son, it's a bitter thing to say, but there's more than your sister at stake here. now mount up, son. what if you're caught? go ahead, son. but at the first alarm, we're comin' in -- and we ain't goin' to have time to pick and choose our targets when we do. what in? go on! whyn't you have your bugler sound the charge while you're at it?? never mind. your pa know you're out here? well you found me. good work, son. good work. god forbid. no, son, you flog on back and tell your pa where we're at. and where he's at. all right. but keep your eye on me, boy. i'm the hard case you're up against here -- not these childish savages. if you don't hear me first time i holler, you better read my mind. i don't aim to raise no two hollers on any subject at hand. watch that knife, boy! the state of texas is payin' you boys $12 a month. here's your chance to earn it. now i don't want any foolin' around after scalps. we ain't got the time. yankee cavalry's on its way here to set those comanches free. we gotta beat 'em to it -- our way. now mount an' guide center on young greenhill here. son, you just follow me. and watch that knife! for these thy gifts which we are about to receive. sound that horn, son, and leave us go amongst them. ya-hee! hurry it up!