i'm deborah! she's lucy. but i've got to help with the dishes. lucy's wearing the gold locket you gave her when she was a little girl. she don't wear it much account of it makes her neck green. well, it does. but i wouldn't care if you gave me a gold locket if it made my neck green or not. oh! look! my gold locket! oh, thank you, uncle ethan. wait! martin! ride me as far as the well! i only took one, ma. topsy was hungry. where's she buried? like a little mouse. i promise. wait! can't i have topsy to keep me company? unnt-meah! both men move closer. she takes a frightened step back, as if to run. unnt-meah! no. not now. not ever. they have done. nothing. they are my people. ee-sap! white men killed them - to steal cows! i was. little. i ran away. they find me. take care of me. you lie! all white men lie. and kill. i remember. from always. at first i prayed to you. come and get me. take me home. you didn't come. these are my people. unnt-meah! go! go! please! martin!