i am this man, senor. emilio gabriel fernandez y figueroa. at your service. . for a price. . always for a price. un otra! buena suerte, estrella. hasta la vista. medicine so strong they believe the feather of an eagle found here can guard a man against bullets. pabbo-tie-bo kim te-moo-er. miguel. caballo -- aca! co-bay tabitz-chat. tomorrow -- manana -- 'puetze.' walk with dignity! if you gringo heretics have any prayers, say them. please!. i, too, am alive. i wish to stay that way. vamanos! you understand, senores. it is not that i am cobarde. cowardly. he knows you -- who you are -- and why you are here. this i did not understand. or i would not. even for gold, senores. have led you here. take it. i do not want blood money. vaya con dios!