drink? you said there'd be a thousand dollar reward. you got it with you? man's got a right to expect some kind o' payment. i laid out for the dress an' sendin' you the writin'. an' a man's time is worth somethin'. a young buck fetched it in late last summer. said it belonged to a captive chile of chief scar. me neither. but this buck claimed he was a big war chief with the nawyecky comanches. scar's band was headin' north. to winter in at fort wingate. eatin' agency beef. that's what this buck said. maybe he lied. in that case you won't find her -- and i won't get my thousand dollars. stay the night if you want. cards?. a jug?. if you'd like some company, we got a few squaws on the place. don't forget to come back with my thousand dollars. bad manners. he shoulda said 'good- bye.'