not quite. quarter cherokee. the rest is welsh. so they tell me. i'll take care of your horse for you, uncle ethan. good night, aunt martha. uncle aaron. good night, uncle ethan. grab hold!. uncle ethan! somethin' mighty fishy about this trail, uncle ethan. yes, sir. what you want me to call you? well, fust off. well, come on! moonrise!. it'll be midnight before. i ain't waitin'! ethan!. ethan! uncle ethan. it's me. martin! mose! wait!. ethan!. mose!. leggo. we'll find them, mrs. jorgensen. we'll find them. yeah. you think they mean to charge us, uncle ethan? that's how i feel, uncle ethan. ethan, sir. why, sure, ethan. there's just the one thing we're after. finding deborah and lucy. yeah. sorry. we don't even know if debbie 'n lucy are with this bunch. maybe they split up. four of 'em cut out here. why? you want us to fire a shot if. you all right, ethan? say!. what happened to your blanket? lose it? did you see debbie? brad!. what you goin' to do? say it. we're beat! and you think we got a chance to find her? i ain't fit to go indoors, miz jorgensen. these clothes is. laurie. but i fairly forgot just how pretty you was. hey. what you doin'? don't go takin' that stuff. well i ain't one of 'em! you talk like a feller might just as leave run around nekkid. might at least have left me my pants! good night. laurie. your cattle?. debbie's cattle! i ain't stayin'. i set out lookin' for debbie. i aim to keep on. because she's my. my. i always felt like she was. her folks takin' me in, raisin' me like one of their own. all right. i ain't got no kin. i'm goin' to keep lookin' that's all. yeah. you want me to know i ain't got no kin -- no money -- no horses -- nothing but a dead man's clothes to wear!. you tole me that already. now shut your head! that's what scares me -- him findin' her. laurie, i've seen his eyes when he so much as hears the word 'comanche' . i've seen him take his knife an' . never mind. but he's a man can go crazy wild. it might come on him when it was the worst thing could be. what i counted on, i hoped to be there to stop him, if such thing come. 'i bought a small size dress off a injun. if this here is a piece of yr chiles dress bring reward. i know where they gone. jerem futterman.' futterman!. he's got a little tradin' post on the south fork o' the brazos. laurie, i just got to get me a good horse! think yer pa would. i gotta catch up with him, laurie! but that's sweet-face -- your own good horse. i can't help it, laurie. i just gotta catch up with ethan. hey! what's the idea? funny. when we passed through fort wingate last winter, we didn't hear mention of any nawyecky comanche there. what's that? oh. futterman? whatchu doin'?. we?. you just used me for bait -- staked me out like a. buildin' up the fire. fixin' it so's. i coulda had my brains blowed out! suppose you'd missed! scar? but i just bought a good blanket. think it might be? look, i changed my mind. you can keep your blanket. go on back. look. you don't understand. i don't want it. what? oh no! tell her she's got to go back. mrs. pauley? water!. pah! cut it out, will ya. look. i wish i could explain to you. look? i don't think it's so funny. if you want to do some good, whyn't you ask her where scar is? look! scar?. do you know where he went? and if he has a girl with him. a white girl -- nai-bist pabo taibo. no. not my wife. my. how do you say sister? beats me how she could get that pony out o' camp without neither of us hearin' a thing. think she means for us to follow? i think maybe we oughta. ethan, quit it! what's the sense in it! peaceful tribes depend on the buffalo, too. ethan! listen!. hear it?. there! ain't that a bugle. and firing? what'd the soldiers have to kill her for!. ethan! look! it's hers, debbie's. we gotta catch up with them yellow legs. maybe they got her with them. she'd be about thirteen now. where? but couldn't you? four of 'em dead. so we were told. debbie?. debbie? don't be scared, ma'am. debbie? no. she's not. lo mismo. thanks for nothin'. lemme alone. take yer hands off'n me. this lady an' me got some things to talk over! never heard of him. sure. sure. only not this year. if you got one handy, now's the time. what are we waiting for? not likely. she's alive. can you believe it, she's alive. alive. an' we found her. you figger scar means to kill us? why didn't he make his move back there? debbie? debbie. don't you remember me? i'm martin. we ain't goin'! we ain't goin' without you, debbie. ethan, get the horses. i'll try to keep her talkin'. debbie, you're comin' with us! hear me? i don't care what they've done to you. what happened. no debbie! that ain't what happened! they been lyin' to you. debbie, think back! i'm martin. remember? remember how i used to let you ride my horse? tell you stories? don't you remember me, debbie? i've come now. ethan -- no! debbie! wait! over there! we won't be here. come on! i gotta open that leg and let the poison out. 'i, ethan edwards, being of sound mind and without any blood kin, do hereby bequeath all my property of any kind to martin pauley' i don't want your property. 'sides, what do you mean no 'blood kin?' debbie's your blood kin. you can keep your will! i ain't forgettin' you was all set to shoot her yourself. what kind o' man are you, anyway. shut your dirty mouth! i hope you die! what's goin' on? so what? i gotta see laurie! you better! i. i wrote you a letter. reckon you didn't get it. it wasn't much of a letter. but i allus loved you. you know that, without my sayin' it. i couldn't bring myself to ask you to wait. the little i had. not knowin' how much longer until we found debbie. don't cry, laurie. i understand how it is. i'll just go 'way. charlie maccorry!. you weren't fixin' to marry him?? as to that, i don't know, charlie. we hadn't got around to talkin' marriage. if you're talkin' about that crazy murder charge. it's all right. charlie, let's move outside. could scalp him. but i'll just count coup! i ain't goin' to austin, reverend. ask him about debbie!. is she all right, mose? wait a minute! isn't that the caddo name for where all those canyons branch on the malapai? my guns. you crazy? i got to fetch her home. laurie! shut your mouth! only if i'm dead! i'm ready. wait! we go chargin' in, they'll kill her. and you know it. i know you are. only it ain't goin' to be that way. she's alive. she's alive. better she's alive and livin' with comanches than her brains bashed out. i saw it. and don't try to tell me it was aunt martha's or lucy's. it don't change it. all i'm askin' is a chance to sneak in there. an' try to get her out before you come chargin' in. it won't tell 'em anything, will it! just a man alone. he is staring at it -- remembering it from certain distinct decorations. the lower part of the tepee is rolled up, for better air circulation. martin wraps charlie's blanket around him and begins walking to the tepee. debbie. don't! i'm takin' you whether you want to or not. no, ethan! no!