injuns has 'em. caddoes or kiowas. kiowas or caddoes. respects to a charmin' lady, ma'am. . respects, respects. my bones is cold. lookit me, old mose harper, rockin' in a rockin' chair. i'm a-goin' to set 'n rock, 'n rock, 'n rock, 'n rock. injuns, ethan. caddoes or kiowas. mose harper, drinkin' coffee in a rockin' chair. . ay-eh! thankin' ye, ethan. thankin' ye. kind words. grateful to the hospitality of yore rockin' chair, ma'am. ay-he. comanch! comanch generally hits at moonrise. wisht it was caddoes. or kiowas. comanche. could be a buffler. ay-he. they was here. jus' bein' sociable, cap'n. i been baptized, reverend. yes suh, been baptized, thank ye. minds me o' the time joe powers an' me fit us some kiowas. we found us an ole buffler wallow. ay-he. that's jest what i tole joe powers. that un's gettin' kinda sassy, ain't he, ethan? there goes yer scalp, ethan!. ay-eh? ain't been too good. no sir, not too good. gettin' old, ethan. i been helpin' ye, ethan. i been lookin' all the time. don't want no money, ethan. jus' a place -- a roof over m' head. a little grub. a bunk to sleep in. an' a rockin' chair by the fire. my own rockin' chair by a fire. swear it, ethan?. given word? ethan. i found a man's seen her. knows where little debbie is! 'mind ethan 'bout my rockin' chair! come f'r my rockin' chai'. ole mose. my rockin' chai'. ay-he. made out i was crazy. ate dirt. chewed grass. i fooled 'em, ethan!. an' i got away. seven fingers. ay-he. seven. caddo or kiowa. ay-he. ay-eh.