ethan. those girls mean as much to me as though they were my own. maybe you don't know my brad's been sittin' up with lucy. and my laurie's real fond of martin. i am. i am. it's just that i know martha'd want you to think of her boys as well as her girls. and if the girls are. dead. ethan, don't let the boys waste their lives in vengeance! promise me, ethan! oh, martin. martin. i almost hope they don't find them! it came the day before his. birthday. and him probably forgettin' all about you!. probably can't even call your name to mind. the little one?. debbie? well, you did all a body could, ethan. don't go blamin' yourself. now lars!. it so happens we be texicans. we took a reachin' hold, way far out, past where any man has right or reason to hold on. or if we didn't, our folks did. so we can't leave off without makin' them out to be fools, wastin' their lives 'n wasted in the way they died. a texican's nothin' but a human man out on a limb. this year an' next and maybe for a hundred more. but i don't think it'll be forever. someday this country will be a fine good place to be. maybe it needs our bones in the ground before that time can come. why'course it would! they're in the chest. why it's just a snip of calico. yes!. yes, i remember!. have they found her, ethan? come in, charlie, come in. laurie!. my land!. two letters in the one year!. a letter for you, laurie. real good o' you to ride all the way over, charlie. might at least say your thank you's, laurie. declare! well? laurie! don't keep a body just standin'! 'course it is. now let's all get comfortable an' set so's we can listen while laurie reads her letter. wonder what happened to the poor man. go on, laurie. laurie! and you knittin' that muffler. well, i just thought it would be a sin and a shame not to let someone get some good of it. now, laurie!. charlie, you'll stay for supper?. now i won't take no for an answer. why, charlie, you look real handsome! you'll see her soon enough. grab a partner, reverend! last winter that man swore up and down there wasn't a drop left -- and me with pneumoney!. reverend, you'd better start clergyin' again! and news of our little girl, ethan? you've seen her!. she's alive? leave the poor man be! can't you see he's out of his mind. now that's enough! here. by the fire. what you need's a good bowl of soup.