we sold out, man. you did good. what? if you're scared of bears, why the hell are you wrestling one then? well, don't worry, you'll pin him easy. it'll be fine. maybe we should call it off. okay, until you finish the first round, i won't call it. hey, how bad can three minutes be, right? i don't know, are we ready? what's a safe word? what's spumoni? is it good? what? you can't quit already. you can't spumoni, all he did was scratch his nuts. you gotta give 'em a show. c'mon, the bear seems pretty tired, look at him. it's true, the bear is pretty docile. the bear's indifference gives jackie a glimmer of confidence. just test him out a little. maybe it won't be so bad. jackie nods, then hops around with his dukes in the air. now he does a shuffle for the crowd. after dancing a bit, the bear is still motionless. damn. looking good, boss. no way! i'm the ref! aaahhhhh!!! i'm the ref!!! the bell rang! spumoni!!!