your son is arrived from london, sir. beg pardon, miss dashwood, but they was the cheapest in the market-- yes, ma'am. i seen him myself, ma'am, and his lady too, miss lucy steele as was-- they were stopping in a chaise at the new london inn. i happened to look up as i passed the chaise and i see it was miss steele. so i took off my hat and she inquired after you, ma'am, and all the young ladies, especially miss dashwood, and bid me i should give you her and mr ferrars's best compliments and service and how they'd be sure to send you a piece of the cake. yes, ma'am--i just seen him leaning back in it, but he did not look up. yes, miss marianne--she said how she was vastly contented and, since she was always a very affable young lady, i made free to wish her joy.