let's amp it up. delcium, eight- drop. doctor mathias is not instantly likable -- nor gradually, for that matter. a cold man, and more than a little satisfied with himself. she's a genius. her mental capacity is extraordinary, even with the side-effects. well, obviously, she's unstable. the neural stripping gives them heightened cognitive reception, but it also destabilizes their own reality matrix. it manifests as borderline schizophrenia. which at this point is the price for being truly psychic. i don't have to tell you the security potential of someone who can read minds. and she has lucid periods -- we hope to improve upon the. i'm sorry, sir, i have to ask if there's some reason for this inspection. key members of parliament have personally observed this subject. i was told their support for the project was unanimous. the demonstration of her power -- like nothing we've seen. all our subjects are conditioned for combat, but river. she's a creature of extraordinary grace. excuse me! no one is allowed in the records room without my express permission. i need to see your clearance. apologies. an operative of the parliament will of course have full cooperation. i'm not sure what. i see no listing of rank, or name. i assume you've scanned the status logs. it's not quite so simple. he came in with full creds. he beat the ap-scan, the retinal. there was no way i could -- gave up a brilliant future in. medicine as well, you've probably read. turned his back on his whole life. madness. why are you here? i. i would be very careful about what you -- key members of parliament have personally observed this subject. i was told their support -- she was. she read cards, nothing more. whatever. secrets she might have accidentally gleaned. it's probable she doesn't even know she knows them. that they're buried beneath -- well, unfortunately i forgot to bring a sword to -- the air rings crisply as the operative pulls out his sword. i would put that down right now if i were you.