reverse to see: an armada. the black sky is filled with what must be ninety ships in a vague cluster, as serenity breaks frame headed toward them. most of them hang still in the air. some move swimmingly about. some turn in gentle drifts, as though looking around. vd int. bridge - continuing they all wait, tensed up, as they approach the armada. and arrive, moving slowly through the ranks of ships. serenity passes a large, bizarrely shaped ship. it turns, as though watching her. but lets her pass. another minute, and serenity is through the armada, headed for the small planet just beyond. it's the operative's pov: the swirling ion cloud as serenity breaks through and heads at us, fully reavered out. as serenity get a bit closer, fifty reaver ships suddenly burst from the cloud, also heading straight at us. serenity suddenly lists hard to port -- until she's almost upside down -- the alliance ships fire, missing serenity but tagging a few reaver ships, none of whom have slowed down -- serenity slips right under the operative's ship and ducks and weaves between dozens more. the reaver force hits the alliance head on -- and several ships do just that, smashing into bigger ships kamikaze-style, everything exploding -- the fleet mobilizes, blasting reaver ships, circling around, and an air war begins, a frenzied, balletic ecstasy of destruction that the camera hurtles through as ships and parts of ships fly at and past it. serenity makes her way past the carnage and heads down toward the tiny satellite moon.