the bridge is small: two pilot seats on either side, and a tangle of wires and machinery all about. mal wears the knee-length brown coat and boots of an old independent. gun at his hip. he's not unlike the ship -- he's seen a bit of the world and it left him, emotionally at least, weathered. right now, though, he's mostly startled. wash hits the com. watching both mal and inara on two zoe and wash are secretly at their formal shyness. different screens, smiling jayne enters, wondering what's up. there is a general groan among the audience, which now includes kaylee as well. we see mal's face as the sight hits him like a gut-punch. mal is back on the bridge as we look out at the upside down alliance fleet, missiles just passing us -- wash is fighting the stick with extreme concentration as zoe pulls out a seat as well, straps in. there is a moment of quiet. mal eases himself into his seat. takes a moment to adjust one of wash's dashboard dinosaurs, then looks to his left. mal looks slightly, only slightly nonplussed.