everything's shiny, cap'n. not to fret. don't mind the captain none, simon. i know he'll look out for her. it's just a little trading station. they'll be back 'fore you can spit. not that you spit. are you okay? well let's not do anything hasty. honest, inara, why do you have to leave? inara shoots an uncertain look at the camera -- and the picture freezes, goes back to the beginning. during all this, mal has picked it up. he looks at it a moment, tosses it aside. looks around at nothing much. shepherd book said they was men that reached the edge of space., saw a vasty nothingness and just went bibbledy over it. i don't know. people get awful lonely in the black. like to get addlepated ourselves, we stay on this boat much longer. captain'll drive us all off, one by one. that ain't even so! river's a dear heart and a boon to this crew! you just don't like her 'cause she can read your mind and everything you think is mean. her and simon could have a place here. now they're leaving us. just like shepherd book. she looks up toward one of the shuttles. don't talk to the barkers -- only the captains. you shouldn't aughta be so clean. it's a dead giveaway you don't belong, you always gotta be tidy. don't pay anybody in advance. and don't ride in anything with a capissen 38 engine, they fall right out of the sky. it is entirely and for all your fault! if you'd given simon a moment, just a moment where he didn't think you were gonna throw them off or turn them in, he might've -- (as they continue but he coulda made 'em family! steada driving them off. steada keeping simon from seein' i was there, when i carried such a torch and we coulda -- goin' on a year now i ain't had nothin' twixt my nethers weren't run on batteries! if you had a care for anybody's heart you woulda -- tell that to inara. for a moment, mal is too shocked to react. kaylee storms out. haven? we're gonna see shepherd book? not sure i get it. we couldn't leave them now. oh they're so pathetic! how can you be sure inara don't just wanna see you? sometimes people have feelings -- i'm referring here to people. yes. no. nobody's saying that. cap'n! she tosses him a bolt remover. he starts pulling a bolt out of a panel on the wall, tells zoe: how can it be there's a whole planet called miranda and none of us knowed that? wait a tick, yeah! some ten years back, before the war. there was call for workers to settle on miranda, my daddy talked about going. i should've recalled. shepherd? shepherd book! she stops, looking at the ground by the steeple. there is the body on the ground, face down. the child she played with at dinner. kaylee stares, at first uncomprehending. angle: mal, moving in the other direction, approaches the cannon, jayne behind him. he stops and sees: book, lying by the cannon, torn up badly from the waist down. what do you mean, the bodies. these people are our friends -- gaaaaaaoh god -- -- and steps back, horrified, as the others approach. it's an office. about half the employees are there, in chairs or on the ground, all in the same state as the first fellow. we see angles of the corpses as the gang evaluates. what're they doing? what's everybody doing? i can rig 'em so they won't re- open once they close. wait, wash -- where's wash? nobody realized he wasn't there. zoe is dead calm. ,no zoe he ain't comin'. everybody takes that in, kaylee's eyes welling up. oh, i didn't plan on going out like this. i think we did right, but. with me? you mean to say, as, sex? hell with this. i'm gonna live. simon looks at her a moment, then turns his attention to the door. inara come up into frame with the contents of the oilcloth: a bow and arrow, which she pulls back with focused grace. angle: the door starts to come off its hinges. can close it. from outside. i'm starting to lose some feeling here. i think there's something in them darts they throwed at me.