oh, this is good. this is. there is no "news", there's the truth of the signal, what i see, and there's the puppet theatre the v0 parliament's jesters foist on the somnambulant public. monkey taught to say the word "monkey" -- lead story on 32 planets. but the slum riots on hera, not a -- no sir. and no lawforce flags, either -- i hadda go into the security feed direct. can't stop the signal, mal. everything goes somewhere and i go everywhere. security feeds are a traipse to access -- and i wasn't the first one in, this has prints on it -- oh! look at her go! a0 everyone is getting bruises and contusions. contoooosions. zoe, you sultry minx, stop falling in love with me. you're just gonna embarrass yourself. i have a commitment to my lovebot, it was a very beautiful ceremony, lenore wrote her own vows, i cried like a baby, a hungry, angry baby. and she falls asleep. which, she would be sleepy. no. he pulls another screen close, starts working that one. matching timecodes, he pulls up the commercial. friends and potential lovers, i it's no problem! bring it on bring it on bring it on! from here to the eyes and ears of the 'verse, that's my motto, or it might be if i start having a motto. you're gonna get caught in the ion cloud, it'll play merry hob with your radar, but pretty pretty lights and a few miles after you'll be right in my orbit. you'll be the first. close on: the operative's sword, as he unsheathes it.