the girls. they've learned more from you these last months than the rest of us could show them in two years. they're all of good family, the highest academic standards -- all the more reason the girls look to you. you came out here alone, before the alliance ever thought to establish a house this remote. you've seen so much. you're a figure of great romance to them. 4d inara great romance has nothing to do with being a companion, sheydra. you should know better. i'm not the one who had a torrid affair with a pirate. inara nearly spills her drink. in one of the stories you make love in a burning temple. i think that's my favorite. a year on his shuttle and he never laid a finger on you. no wonder you left. 104 i do love to watch you boil. don't worry. the stories will fade. and your captain reynolds has probably gotten himself blown up by this time.